Desert Messenger

February 15, 2023

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WHAT'S INSIDE 4 Quilt Show Winners 5 La Paz County Fair 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 7 Letters to the Editor 7 Quartzsite Glow 8 Desert Flyers Fly-in 8 The Salvation Army Update 8 Food Bank Updates 9 QES Students of the Month 9 PT in Quartzsite 9 Pioneer Tour 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Art Guild Updates 11 AARP Tax Aid 11 Health Fair 11 Southwestern Art Show 12 Buck Connors Western Days 13 AWC Open Mic 18 Museum Updates 18 Safely Donate to Turkey/Syria 19 Quilt Show Photos 21 QIA Roof Approval 22 Around Town 23 JAMS & Band Schedules 24 GFWC Salome 24 Special Election 25 In Memoriam 26 Puzzle 27 AA Meetings 27 Nancy's Kitchen 28 Classifi eds 28 Paul Winer's Cartoon 28 Puzzle Answers 30 Food Bank Fundraisers 31 PHOTOS • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 February 15, 2023 VOL. 19 # 355 Alwa y s FREE! SEE TEN WEST PAGE 27 N�� �� ��� 1 9 t h YEAR! QUARTZSITE I Ten West Link breaks ground - Lotus Infrastructure Partners January 19, 2023, Vice Pres- ident Kamala Harris and Fed- eral offi cials joined with Ari- z o n a a n d C a l i f o r n i a l e a d e r s , members of Lotus Infrastructure Partners, the California Indepen- dent Systems Operator (CAISO) and other dignitaries to com- memorate the groundbreaking of Ten West Link, a 125-mile high- voltage transmission project that will enhance the western electric grid and bring more than 3,000 Megawatts of renewable energy resources to consumers through- out California and the Desert Southwest. The event took place just west of Tonopah, AZ near the Delaney Substation, where the project will connect to the Arizona electric grid before traveling westward into California. Joining Vice President Harris at the event were Secretary of the In- terior Deb Haaland and Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, who were welcomed by Himan- shu Saxena, Chairman and CEO of Lotus Infrastruc- ture Partners, the develop- er and owner of Ten West Link. National leaders in attendance included White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi. Arizo- na and California leaders in attendance included Arizo- na Governor Katie Hobbs, CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer, members of Congress, and elected offi cials from the Ar- izona Corporation Commis- sion and La Paz County. Representing the Town of Quartzsite at the ground- breaking were Town Man- ager Jim Ferguson and Vice Mayor Lynda Goldberg. Representing La Paz Coun- ty were County Supervi- sors Holly Irwin and David Plunkett and County Administrator Megan Spielman. Former Supervi- sor D.L. Wilson also attended, who was instrumental in obtaining the land conveyance from BLM. Others from La Paz County who attended the event included representatives from the Arizona Peace Trail: J.C. Sanders, Bruce & Bonnie Fullmer, and Lowell Sorenson. When completed, the line will run from Tonopah to a point west of Blythe, Calif. The line is being built to provide more reliable pow- er for California and is being built to accommodate additional power plants to meet growing demands in Arizona and California. These plants are expected to use renew- able energy sources. PHOTO Maria Robinson/DOE: From left to right, Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs; Califor- nia Independent System Operator President and CEO Eliot Mainzer; Lotus Infrastruc- ture Partners Chairman and CEO Himanshu Saxena; Vice President Kamala Harris; U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland; U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm; White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi.

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