Desert Messenger

October 19, 2022

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Fall Festival 3 Stand Down 5 Council Meeting Recap 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 8 The Salvation Army Update 8 Food Bank Updates 9 CDBG Public Hearing 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Shop Small Bingo Winner 11 QES Ground Breaking 14 Poi for Seniors 15 Small Business Saturday 15 Band Schedules 16 Around Town 16 Food Handler Classes 17 AZ Handyman Laws 18 Puzzle Page 19 In Memoriam 19 Art Guild Updates 20 Sons of Desert Night Owls 20 Nancy's Kitchen 20 AA 21 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon 22 Puzzle Answers 23 Centennial Tree • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 October 19, 2022 VOL. 19 # 351 Alwa y s FREE! ����� | S������ R��� G�����-B��� N�� �� ��� 1 8 t h YEAR! Town hosts Halloween event Quartzsite, Arizona- Join the fun at the Town of Quartzsite's annual Halloween Bash Saturday, Octo- ber 29, 2022. The community is invited to the Dance Slab located at the North end of Quartzsite Town Park for a night of Tricks and plenty of delicious Treats. The festivities will begin at 5:00pm with local busi- nesses, organizations, and community members set up with decorated tables and vehicles for "Trunk or Treating" followed by costume contests, games, and free hot dogs for kids. Stick around for a frightening trip through Celia's Rainbow Gardens when you enter the Haunted Maze starting at 7:45pm. Interested in participating with a Trunk or Treat booth or volunteering? Contact Jewel at Quartzsite Community Center at 928-927-4333 ext 404. Quartzsite Art Guild and Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism invite you to Quartzsite Art Walk, 5pm-8pm Wednesday, November 9th. Spend the evening strolling the 1200 block of West Main Street, visit- ing with artists, purchasing art, shopping at local businesses, and enjoying live music, food and beverages and more! Local non-profi ts will be there too! Alaska Dan will be performing live at the Stage at Outback Pizza! Participat- ing businesses include: Main Event Trading, Outback Beer & Spirits, Outback Pizza, Main Trading Post, Rosman Company, Spiritstone Gems, Roadrunner Rocks, Mystic Dreams, Chamber & Tourism, and Madagascar Import Seam. Outback Pizza will be selling Pizza-by-the-slice and have beer and wine avail- able for purchase. There will be a Silent Auction at the Chamber with amaz- ing items donated by local businesses! There will be a Bake Sale for Celia's Rainbow Gardens with lots of delicious treats. Participating Quartzsite Art Guild artists include: Oney Budge with original water color camel paintings and camel Christmas cards. Karen Heninger: Desert paintings. Betty Buggs: water color Joann McKnight: originals in oil. Marcy Urban: acrylic originals. Sherry Meeks: acrylic originals. Fabia Davis : acrylic originals. Marie Murphy: originals in oil. For more information visit the Quartzsite Art Walk Facebook Page or call the Chamber at 928-927-5200. Papa's Hot Diggity Dog Grand Opening Quartzsite, AZ- Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism hosted a Ribbon Cutting for Papa's Hot Diggity Dogs on Thursday, Oc- tober 13th, 2022. After setting up in the VFW parking lot last seasin, "Papa" moved into the restaurant inside VFW Post 769 building last month, located at 305 N. Central Blvd. Following the ribbon cut- ting, attendees enjoyed a delicious Taco Night dinner with free Grand Opening cake. The restaurant and all of VFW building is now non-smoking. Be sure to check out Papa's Hot Dig- gity Dogs Facebook page for spe- cials. The Restaurant is open for Breakfast and Dinner, Tuesday thru Saturday, 7am - 6pm and Sunday 1pm - 4pm. Art Walk planned Wednesday, Nov. 9th

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