Up & Coming Weekly

October 18, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 19 - 25, 2022 UCW 17 Sawyer Brown to perform in Elizabethtown by ASHLEY SHIRLEY EVENT Dominating the charts in the late 80s and early 90s with hits like "Step at Step" and "Some Girls Do," country-pop music legends Sawyer Brown have long been a band noted for their charismatic stage performances and feel-good music. On Saturday, Oct. 29, they'll bring their ener- getic stage act to Cape Fear Vineyard & Winery in Elizabethtown. Widely known as a "cool" country band, Sawyer Brown was founded in Apopka, Florida, in the early 1980s. Since coming on to the scene with their first hit, "Leona," the band has released over 20 albums, charted over 50 singles, and received several country music awards. Now they are primarily a touring band with over 4,000 shows under their belt. eir live performances feature the rollicking dance hits for which they're known and the more serious bal- lads their fans will remember. In addition to Sawyer Brown, concert-goers will be treated to performances by North Carolina's favorite CMA Music Entertainer of the Year, Brian Mayer, and Shelby County natives Dirty Grass Soul. e family-friendly show will begin at 7:30 p.m., with gates opening at 6. Guests will have an op- portunity to purchase food, beverages, wine, and spirits on site during the concert. "is show is for anyone who loves country mu- sic," Derrick Rice, Events Director for Cape Fear Vineyard & Winery, told Up & Coming Weekly. "Gen Z country music fans and those who remember Sawyer Brown are really going to enjoy this show." e national award-winning Cape Fear Vine- yard & Winery is by no means the average concert venue. Founded in 2014, this unique establish- ment has something to offer anyone looking for beauty and luxury right outside Cumberland County. From their beautiful grounds to their romantic on site cabins, Cape Fear Vineyard & Winery offers a wide range of experiences for their guests to enjoy. Wine tastings can be scheduled in the vine- yard's Cork Room Restaurant, and bottles are available for purchase in the Tipsy Toad Ballroom. Additionally, Cape Fear Distillery's award- winning spirits ought to do the trick for those who like their libations a bit stronger. e Cork Room, open Wednesday through Sun- day, features southern staples such as fried green tomatoes and more exotic interpretations like black-eyed pea hummus with pita. e menu is full of local ingredients and farm-to-table options crafted by a team of talented chefs trained in the art of southern cuisine. Guests can take in the massive collection of sculptures and paintings that dot the grounds and adorn the walls of buildings around the property. Pieces from Sir Paul McCartney, Muhammed Ali, and Burt Reynolds are just a few that make up one of the largest celebrity art collections anywhere. e vineyard is also perfect for a romantic get- away or "day-cation" with a stay at the vineyard's lakeside Cape Fear Cottages or a relaxing trip to the Vines Day Spa. Tickets for the concert start at $29 and are avail- able at https://www.capefearwinery.com/. ASHLEY SHIRLEY, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 Avanzado Instructores: Bolivar Rivera, Kelvin Flores LMMJ 6:00pm-10:00pm enero 09 a mayo 11 264 horas 61062 CBI123 Sábados 8:00am-5:00pm enero 07 a mayo 13 212 horas 61055 CBI123 Intermedio Instructores: Miguel Figueroa, Pablo Girón LMMJ 6:00pm-10:00pm enero 09 a mayo 11 264 horas 61052 CBI124 Sábados 8:00am-5:00pm enero 07 a mayo 13 212 horas 61053 CBI124 Básico Instructores: José León Colón, Miguel Figueroa LMMJ 6:00pm-10:00pm enero 09 a mayo 11 264 horas 61050 CBI125 Sábados 8:00am-5:00pm enero 07 a mayo 13 212 horas 61051 CBI125 Introdución Instructores: Miguel Figueroa, Rafael Torres LMJV 6:00pm-10:00pm enero 09 a mayo 12 264 horas 61048 CBI126 Sábados 8:00am-5:00pm enero 07 a mayo 13 212 horas 61049 CBI126 MONTACARGAS – OPERADOR DE MONTACARGAS EN ENSPANOL BASADO EN LA NORMATIVA DE OSHA – 24 HRS INSTRUCTOR: Rafael Torres En este curso aprenderemos en español el funcionamiento y mantenimiento de montacargas. Los temas centrales incluyen: Diseño de montacargas, Controles e instrumentación,Inspección previa al uso, Conciencia de seguridad, Estabilidad del montacargas. Instructor: Rafael Torres L,M,Mi 8:00am-5:00pm 09 al 11 de enero 24 hrs 61022 TCB3 102 L,M,Mi 8:00am-5:00pm 06 al 08 de febrero 24 hrs 61023 TCB3 102 L,M,Mi 8:00am-5:00pm 13 al 15 de marzo 24 hrs 61024 TCB3 102 L,M,Mi 8:00am-5:00pm 17 al 19 de abril 24 hrs 61025 TCB3 102 L,M,Mi 8:00am-5:00pm 08 al 10 de mayo 24 hrs 61026 TCB3 102 Para más información, llame a Miguel Figuerora-Pagan. Department Chair Bilingual Program 910-978-8430 figueromi@faytechcc.edu CLASES DE ELECTRICIDAD – RESIDENCIAL Y COMERCIAL Este curso está diseñado para que aprendamos los principios del cableado eléctrico que se usa en centros comerciales, y en residencias. Le daremos énfasis a las leyes de corriente alterna y continua, circuitos en serie, en paralelo, uso de herramientas, equipos eléctricos, materiales de cableado y conceptos de electricidad.

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