Up & Coming Weekly

October 18, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 19 - 25, 2022 UCW 15 COVER STORY Over the last several years, people have asked me why Up & Coming Weekly newspaper makes such a "big deal" out of a golf tourna- ment. Well, it's not just any golf tournament. It's the Cumberland County Golf Championship. And it's unique. e CCGC is not only this com- munity's most prestigious and competitive golfing event, but also the longest continuously running golf tournament in North Carolina. Since 1969, and for forty-six years, the CCGC was organized and man- aged by the local daily newspaper, the Fayetteville Observer, until Gatehouse Media purchased the FO in 2016. At that point, Up & Coming Weekly was asked to take it on. As a small community newspaper, we were initially reluctant to take on such a responsibility. However, we accepted the challenge after careful consideration and several consulta- tions with ardent local community leaders. With minimum resources and staff, it would have been a challeng- ing and complex undertaking with- out the contributions, resources, partnerships and encouragement of Representative Billy Richardson and his law firm, Mac Healy of Healy Wholesale, and Kevin Lavertu, Gen- eral Manager of Gate Four Country Club. Together, these folks created the foundation that allowed other peo- ple, businesses and organizations to join in to preserve this historic Fayetteville/Cumberland County golfing tradition. We also felt this was a worthwhile undertaking because the CCGC reflected the same principles and philosophies on which Up & Com- ing Weekly has built its reputation during the last 26 years. Golf is a game of honesty and in- tegrity. Yes, golf takes athletic ability and physical stamina, but mostly it takes fortitude and character. And those who excel in golf have these attributes. is is evident when you scan the CCGC Winners over the last 54 years. And this year was no excep- tion, with Billy West winning this year's Cumberland County Cham- pion title for the ninth time with an impressive 54-hole score of 221 (72,74.75). A remarkable feat con- sidering the field of competitors. e spread between the first and fourth place in the final Champion- ship Flight was only three strokes. West squeaked by Nick Perry by one stroke. Perry finished second with a 222 (75,73,73). Our involvement with the Cumberland County Golf Champi- onship came when Up & Coming Weekly saw the opportunity to ex- pand the scope of the tournament, making it more vibrant, meaningful, valuable and relative to the entire Cumberland County. It has been a work in progress, but toward this end, we have expanded the event to include a Women's Division and two youth divisions to mentor young local talent that will become the Cumberland County Champions of tomorrow. e CCGC also adopted the Kidsville News Literacy and Educa- tion Foundation, which provides reading and educational resources to K-5 children in Fayetteville, Cumberland County and Fort Bragg. Good things last, and it is our responsibility to preserve them. Fayetteville and Cumberland County have close ties to the sport of golf. Touring PGA Profession- als Ray Floyd and previous CCGC Champion Chip Beck are both from Fayetteville. In addition, the world-famous Donald Ross-designed Pinehurst No. 2 golf course is only 37 miles away. However, Fayetteville can boast its own Donald Ross-designed course at Highland County Club. e Cumberland County Golf Championship is more than a golf tournament. It is history, tradition and prestige. All of which speaks volumes about our community. Like I said, "Good things last." We congratulate this year's 2022 CCGC Champion, Billy West, and Division winners. And we are grateful to all who participated as players, sponsors or supporters. You have now become an integral part of North Carolina golf history. Next year the CCGC will be held on October 13 to 15. We hope to see you there. Cumberland County Golf Championship highlights players and community by BILL BOWMAN BILL BOWMAN, Publisher. COMMENTS? BILL@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Billy West (Photo by Isaiah Jones) Chris Buchholtz (Photo by Isaiah Jones) Congratulations to all the division winners in the 2022 Cumberland County Golf Championship. (Photo by Isaiah Jones) Duckee Brown (Photo by PJ Ward Brown Photography) Toby Sheehan (Photo by Isaiah Jones) 2022 Cumberland County Golf Championship Champion — Billy West Open Flight Winner — Toby Sheehan Senior Division — Gary Moore Super Senior Division — Edwin Baez Women's Division — Duckee Brown Middle School Division — Miken Williams Junior Division and Overall Youth Division — Chris Buchholtz

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