Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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Active brothers at the tailgate (above) connecting with young alumni (below). BETA MU LINK BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2022 L ife at Beta Mu continues in a very positive manner. e active Chapter has won numerous awards, both on campus and within the national Fraternity; it's been impressive to watch. But what's more impressive is their relentless pursuit to keep raising the bar: earning Sisson AND Knox awards, increasing their philanthropy funds for Buzz-a-Beta, increasing their GPA, improving their Grand Prix performance, being the best Fraternity on campus, and so on. e experiences in this Chapter and the brotherhood will serve them well in leadership development and in their future careers. We had another great Homecoming event this year; the evening football game allowed for a full day of activities. In the aernoon, there was a luncheon followed by tours of the Chapter House, plus a house corporation meeting. en, everyone took a shuttle bus to Ross-Ade Stadium for a tailgate! Weather was great and there was a large turnout; we hope to see it grow in the future. On the house corporation, we are focused on the ongoing success of the collegiate Chapter, our financial integrity, and alumni relations. We continue to request your support through the annual campaign as we pay down our debt; that's our financial priority. But for those who'd like to support the Chapter scholastically, we have an opportunity as well. Cindy Sadighian, widow of Shervin Sadhigian '91, has started a scholarship fund and has reached out to me to see if we can help it grow. Contact me if you would like to help. For alumni relations, we are in the early planning stages of a June 2023 golf outing in West Lafayette. We hope this is a permanent fixture in the future that enhances brotherhood and supports class reunions. More to come, but we hope everyone considers participating. Finally, we have a vacancy on our board. I am especially interested in more involvement from our younger alumni. If you would like to serve, please contact me. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President Curtis Smith '92, John Leff '92, Jim Ford '88, Scott Perry '91, Andy Maner '91, Mike Delgado '90, Jeff Osborn '88, Mike Crowley '92, and Kelly Eads '89 enjoying time together in the tent. The welcoming table at the Chapter House, highlighting Beta Mu activities and awards. Brothers of all ages gather for the tailgate. The spring pledge class of 1960 and their spouses at a reunion in San Antonio, Texas. Six brothers attended in person, with two joining the main event through Zoom. From left: Tom Gerber, Tom Graham, Jack Holcroft, Jim Lesieur, and Tom Hensal. (Brendan O'Brien was not present for this picture.) Mutual Assistance and Growth HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT BETA MU Over Six Decades with the Class of '60