Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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House Director Pat Mayor '61 Communications Coordinator and Brick Campaign Chairman Stacy Abernethy '96 Co-Chapter Advisors Alyssa Scott '12 Lauren Weems, Gamma Tau '01 Stephanie Spratt Schmidt '93 Amiee Crawford Wenson '94 Stephanie Glenski '00 Emily Kaemmer '16 Notes of the Lyre PHI CHAPTER OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | FALL 2022 A Lifetime of Sisterhood A Lifetime of Sisterhood Making the Phi House a Home F all is here and that means the start of a new school year, football, and pumpkin spice. Earlier this year, I took over as House Corporation Board president after being on the board since 2015. I have enjoyed being back at 1500 Sigma Nu Place, the couches in the informal are still the most comfortable couches in the world, the kitchen door is always open, and it still feels like home! Housing Updates Housing Updates Our home, however, looks a little different. This summer, the exterior of the house received a face-lift. We painted the brick, updating our façade to a beautiful grey with white trim. The front entryway and back hall were freshened up, and new carpet was installed in the formal. In the last 10 years, your board has renovated the women's bathrooms and living spaces— goodbye sleeping dorms. In the basement, we transitioned the computer room to a craft room and updated the chapter room, all while the north foundation wall was completely replaced. While this is a great start, there is still work to be done. We can't wait to continue making Phi's house a home to many. If you are in the area, please stop in, say hi to Mom Pat, introduce yourself to a collegian, and have her give you a tour. You might have to knock more than once, phone duty is a thing of the past. Supporting the Sisterhood Supporting the Sisterhood Many of you purchased bricks for the front patio, which looks great. We are putting together another round of brick sales for those of you who missed it or are a recent graduate and have not had the chance to buy one. Stacey Abernathy '96 is once again in charge, and we will have full details for you in the spring newsletter. Be on the lookout for an invitation to Women's Weekend in the spring, which has replaced Mom's Weekend. The chapter is inviting alumnae to brunch and the fundraising auction. Loyally, Missi Schoen '97 House Corporation Board President Our home received a much-needed face-lift this summer. We painted the brick a beautiful grey with white trim. We're loving the new look! President Melissa Schoen '97 Vice President Hope Reeder '98 Secretary Amy Pettit Gnau '98 Treasurer Brooke Sorenson '16 House Corporation Board Executive Board Board Members

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