Desert Messenger

September 21, 2022

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 CRIT Pow Wow 4 Youth Job Skills Training 5 Meet the Candidates Oct. 4 5 Council Meeting recap 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 7 Letter to Editor 8 The Salvation Army update 8 Food Bank updates 9 ADOT EV update 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Storm Damage 11 Howard Baker 100th Birthday 12 Road Construction 14 9/11 Ceremony 16 BLM Bouse updates 16 Salome High updates 17 BLM LTVA opens 18 Puzzle Page 19 Traditions 20 Sons of Desert Night Owls 20 AA Meetings 21 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon 22 Puzzle Answers 23 Is Pandemic over? • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 September 21, 2022 VOL. 19 # 350 Alwa y s FREE! ������ | S������ R��� G�����-B��� N�� �� ��� 1 8 t h YEAR! SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 15 City & Town officials gather in Glendale for annual conference By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ- More than 1,400 city and town offi - cials, legislators, business leaders, youth councilmem- bers and guests from across the state gathered in Glen- dale for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns Annual Conference, held August 29 – September 2 at the Re- naissance Hotel in Glendale, AZ. Among the offi cials in attendance were Quartzsite Mayor Norm Simpson, Town Manager Jim Fergu- son, Council Members Starr BearCat, Lynda Gold- berg and Karey Amon. The conference is held annually in late summer and provides a unique opportunity for local offi cials to gather together to attend training sessions designed to aid in more effective and effi cient management of Arizona's municipalities, to hear from state and leg- islative offi cials, as well as share common concerns and ideas for problem solving. Mayor Simpson told Desert Messenger News, "The benefi ts of attending the conference includes training in areas of interest to elected municipal of- fi cials such as establishing networking, roundtable discussions with other municipalities, formal pre- sentations by established leaders in their areas of expertise, and updates on legislation affecting mu- nicipalities. Simpson added, "As a member of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns, the Town of Quartzsite again sent much of the current council and manage- ment staff to the conference. PHOTO ABOVE LEFT: Quartzsite Mayor Norm Simpson Awarded Plague for 8 years of service and accepting plaque for Vice Mayor Loretta Warner (not attending) PHOTO RIGHT: Quartzsite Officials L to R: Town Manager Jim Ferguson, Council Member Starr BearCat, Mayor Norm Simpson, Council Member Lynda Goldberg, Council Member Karey Amon

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