Up & Coming Weekly

July 12, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1472997

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 24 UCW JULY 13 - 19, 2022 17345 Spring Awakenings Planning to Plant? Have a smart plan! Don't plant tall-growing trees where they'll interfere with power lines. And plant strategically – for example, put trees where they'll provide shade and/or windbreaks to reduce your warm-weather energy costs. Consider Water-Wise Gardening. Landscape with plants, flowers and shrubs that require minimal watering, including those that grow well in the shade and use mulch. Choose drought-resistant grasses, such as Centipede or Bermuda, and reduce lawn area (often, the 'thirstiest' part of your yard) with ground cover, mulched beds, etc. Call NC811 Before You Dig... ...if your plans include significant excavation. Through this free service, the utility companies serving your property will come and mark the location of underground lines, so you can dig carefully around them. Don't Crowd Our Transformers! If you have a green PWC transformer box on your property, it's important that you DO NOT PLANT anything within 9 feet from the front of the box and 3 feet from each side. It impedes our line workers ability to make repairs and restore your power. Visit our website for more detailed information on smart tree planting and avoiding utility conflicts, water-wise gardening, NC811 and our outdoor watering schedule – as well as warm-weather tips to conserve (water and power). If you have a green PWC transformer box on your property, we're asking you, please, DO NOT PLANT anything within 9 feet from the front of the box, and 3 feet from each side. We understand that a transformer may not be the prettiest addition to your yard. But having power is a beautiful thing. Power outage … not so much! If trees, shrubs and even flowers are too close to the transformer box, it impedes our linemen's ability to make repairs and restore your power. If they don't have room to work, they have to take the time to remove landscaping that's in the way, delaying power restoration for you and your neighbors down the line. Proper clearance also allows heat to dissipate, which prevents equipment malfunctions from overheating. At PWC, we're proud of our outstanding record for reliable power service and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us continue to provide exceptional service for our customers. Don't Crowd Transformers 9 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft.

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