Up & Coming Weekly

July 12, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 13 - 19, 2022 UCW 17 Local nonprofit hosts Mother & Son event by JYL BARLOW Local nonprofit Grace Helping Others is hosting its inaugural Mother & Son Date Night on July 16, at the Kiwanis Recreation Center. e event will offer a unique oppor- tunity to celebrate the bond between young men and the special women in their lives. While it is advertised as a "Mother & Son" event, grandmothers, aunts, sisters or any other notable women are invited to attend and honor the important relationships they share with the young men in their lives. Grace Helping Others was estab- lished in January 2021 by Carmen Jones as a nonprofit tasked with of- fering support to surrounding com- munities. e volunteer organization commits to at least five fundraisers per year to assist a minimum of 200 individuals or families per year, empowering them to become more self-sufficient. e idea for a mother and son event came to Jones when she noticed how often the area offered organized out- ings for fathers and daughters. "I saw lots of father/daughter din- ners and such, but nothing for moth- ers and sons," Jones said. is sparked an idea. While it is quite common for young ladies to have the chance to try on fan- cy attire, the same is not always true for young men. Mother & Son Date Night offers time together and time for which attendees are encouraged to pull out their best attire, from semi- formal to dress-to-impress. ere will even be prizes for Best Dressed Duo. As this will be the first year for Mother & Son Date Night, Jones is hoping that it will be the stepping stone to bigger events in the years to come. "We hope to have more participants each year as word spreads and excite- ment builds," Jones said. Mother & Son Date Night is the perfect opportunity to create magical memories while letting Grace Helping Others handle all the details, including endless hors-d'oeuvres, dancing and a 360 photo booth. All participants will be emailed a link to the photos taken in the 360 photo booth, a video platform that captures 120 frames per second as users stand within a revolv- ing camera while it captures slow- motion video. Couples' tickets start at $30 for gen- eral admission ($10 for each addition- al child), or a VIP option is available for $45 ($15 for each additional child). Individual tickets are also available for $20 per person. Mother & Son Date Night will be held July 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Kiwanis Recreation Center and Honeycutt Park, 352 Devers St. For tickets, visit www.eventbrite. com/e/mother-and-son-date-night- tickets-314025457597. EVENT JYL BARLOW, Contributing Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200 C u st o m C a teri n g by T w o B r o t h ers Private Romantic Aordable Specializing In: Weddings, Corporate Events, Holiday Parties, Special Banquets & More! eVineNC.com or TwoBrothersCateringNC.com 806 Katie Street Fayetteville NC (O Owen Drive behind O-Reilly's) Custom Catering By:Two Brothers Call us to schedule your next event! Call 910-584-9892 Serving You Since 2004 Photo courtesy of Pexels

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