Up & Coming Weekly

June 21, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JUNE 22 - 28, 2022 UCW 3 Submit your events and activities to editor@upandcomingweekly.com WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLy.COM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 PATRIOTIC SIP AND PAINT H8TERS Celebrate the U.S.A. with a Painter's Choice Sip and Paint! Choose from either the cute patriotic gnome on wood for $35. or a rustic U.S.A. flag on wood for $42. The ticket includes all supplies, pre-tra- ced a pre-traced patriotic gnome on wood (5.5" x 14") or a rustic U.S.A. flag on wood (10.5" x 16"). Both options include wood stars, step-by-step instructions, and your first drink. There will also be door prizes and a giveaway. Attendees can order food and eat as they paint. To reserve tickets, visit events.r20.constantcontact.com/. SATURDAY, JUNE 25 2022 GARDENING SYMPOSIUM CAPE FEAR BOTANICAL GARDEN 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The 2022 Cumberland County Master Gar- dener Volunteer Association Spring Gar- dening Symposium speakers will include the author and hands-on sustainer of insects, plants and the planet itself, Doug Tallamy; NC State and UNC TV's Bryce Lane, known to all for his humor and his expertise in horticulture teaching and communication; Kenny Bailey, whose family stories on heirloom seed saving need to be shared over and over and over again; and finally, Dawn Adkins-Hurley whose onsite container creations will be raffled off to a lucky winner. Tickets are $75 for a full day of education, raffles, vendors and luncheon. To purchase tickets, visit mg_symposium.eventbrite.com/. SKILLED TRADES & TECHNOLOGY EXPO TONY RAND STUDENT CENTER 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. Fayetteville Technical Community College is joining N.C. Works, Fayetteville Public works Commission and the Mid-Carolina Regional Council in hosting the Skilled Trades & Technology Expo. The event registration is intended for businesses and employers only. However, the actual event is open to the general public. The event includes an information session on the HOPE Initiative, delivering Hope, Opportunity & Prosperity through Education. To register, visit https://bit.ly/3NaaMj1. DRAG COMEDY TROLLEY BLUE MOON CAFÉ 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. After PRIDE in the Park is over, grab your gurlz, grab a cocktail and take a fabulous fun-filled ride on the HEYYY GURL HAY! comedy trolley. The trolley sets off at Blue Moon Café, 310 Hay St., and fea- tures three raucously hilarious North Carolina Queens: Aida Stratton, Amanda LaRouxx and Michelle Michaels; take a ride on the trolley, and have a gay old- time! Must be 21 and over to attend. Visit https://bit.ly/3mVU9ws for tickets. SATURDAY, JUNE 25 THURSDAY, JUNE 23 NATURE JOURNALING CAPE FEAR BOTANICAL GARDEN 10:30 – noon Arrive with nature journals in hand for an escapade stopping along the way to docu- ment the beauty in the garden. Please wear tennis shoes, hats and sunscreen. The organizers will provide water bottles. Attendees will receive a small cloth bag for carrying around nature journals to de- corate, with everything needed to record your findings and drawing supplies. This class is for all ages. Tickets for members are $30 per class and $35 per class for non-members. To sign up, visit form.jotform.com/221226026421946. 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. TUESDAY, JUNE 28 FRIDAY, JUNE 22 PARK NIGHT HIKE LAKE RIM PARK 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. After a brief discussion on creatures that come out at night, be prepared to hike through the trails in the dark to search for animals, including owls, spiders and frogs. Bring headlamps and flashlights to explore the woods after dark. This event is free and suitable for all ages. Call or register online; space is limited. For more information, visit www.fcpr.us/parks- -trails/parks/lake-rim-park. PRIDEFEST 2022 FESTIVAL PARK Noon – 6 p.m. PrideFest 2022 will feature entertainment, music, vendors, food trucks, a kids' area and more. This family-friendly event is an afternoon of celebrating Fayetteville's diverse community, focusing on LGBTQ outreach, acceptance and resources. Part of Fayetteville Pride's mission is to produce diverse and inclusive events that will create visibility and help to foster a sense of community and acceptance in Fayetteville and surrounding areas. This free festival is community-wide and family-friendly. For more information on the festival, sponsors, vendors and volunteers, visit www.fayettevillepride. org/pridefest-2022.html. SATURDAY, JUNE 25 FRIDAY, JUNE 24 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING THE YARD ON ARCH STREET 6:45 p.m. Sweet Tea Shakespeare presents tWilliam Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Much Ado About Nothing is the rom-com that started it all. Beatrice is a fast-talking spinster with no time for men. Benedick is the wisecracking marriage-hater crashing at her uncle's with a bunch of rowdy soldiers. When Benedick's best friend falls in love with Beatrice's cousin, their friends and family hatch a plot to reveal the truth: that Benedick and Beatrice are actually head-over-heels in love. Performances occur outdoors at The Yard on Arch Street, at 321 Arch St. Parking may be found on the upper level of a small garage directly across from the Yard on Arch Street. Patrons should provide their own seating outdoors. Tickets can be purchased by visiting sweetteashakespeare.com/tickets/.

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