Up & Coming Weekly

June 21, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1471311

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 24 UCW JUNE 22 - 28, 2022 Correctly complete the Rocket Fizz crossword puzzle and/or sudoku and send it to: Up & Coming Weekly 208 Rowan St., Fayetteville, NC 28301 or fax it to 910-484-9218. You could win a prize courtesy of Rocket Fizz and Up & Coming Weekly. Winners will be notified by phone and may pick up their prize at the Up & Coming Weekly corporate office at 208 Rowan St., Fayetteville, NC, 28301. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________Email:_______________________________________________ Where did you pick up your Up & Coming Weekly?______________________________________ Answers to the 06/15/22 puzzles Visit us online at: www.upandcomingweekly.com Subscribe to receive Your FREE FREE online edition! AT THE BEACH ACROSS 1. Like a certain eagle 5. *Beach-goer's protective acro- nym 8. "To ____ and to hold" 12. Arabian bigwig 13. Indian lentil staple 14. Wild West grazer 15. TV prize 16. Between Illinois and Nebraska 17. Quick and light on one's feet 18. *Wooden walkway by the beach 20. Not this 21. Unwritten examinations 22. Cherry middle 23. Relating to a rib 26. *Beach suit type 29. Kanye's genre 30. Pool hall mishap 33. 52 cards 35. *Sunny Dutch Caribbean vacation destination 37. Be unwell 38. Eagle's home 39. Precedes carotene? 40. Twisted or meandered 42. Chill, with 'out' 43. Seat by day, bed by night 45. Modifies 47. *Just out of the water 48. Parallel grooves 50. Arrival times 52. *Wave rider 56. Nitrogen, in the olden days 57. In ____ of 58. Hipbones 59. Parcel of land 60. Et alibi 61. Auctioneer's exclamation 62. A.C.T. section 63. Tie the knot 64. *Casual beach tops DOWN 1. British Broadcasting Corporation, colloquially 2. Shells in a magazine 3. Capital of Peru 4. Fungus damage (2 words) 5. *Same as sandbar 6. Catch for a ratchet's notch, pl. 7. Criticism 8. *Water at its highest (2 words) 9. e largest continent 10. Retired electric Chevy 11. Compass dir. 13. Hindu Festival of Lights 14. Dyed fabric 19. Type of TV show 22. Eating contest staple 23. *Decapod on a beach 24. *Propelled like a paddle board 25. Plural of sputum 26. Type of bin in a grocery store 27. Bundle of axons 28. Slipperier 31. *Building material found at the beach 32. Jack Ryan's and Jason Bourne's org. 34. Barrels of beer 36. *Hasselhoff 's beach TV show 38. Improvise 40. Exercise group 41. Upbraiding 44. Annoy 46. Lao Tzu follower 48. Hotel room option 49. Metallica's "Don't ____ On Me" 50. Poet Pound 51. To perfection (3 words) 52. A bunch 53. *End-of-day summertime soother 54. Rub the wrong way 55. Pops 56. Cash dispenser Congratulations to Sam McConnaughey who picked up a copy of Up & Coming Weekly at Zorba's.

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