Up & Coming Weekly

June 21, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JUNE 22 - 28, 2022 UCW 21 Imagine that at approximately 23:00 hours, an officer, Officer Jones, was dispatched to 1234 Main St. in Fayetteville in response to a possible home invasion. Officer Jones receives information that the caller is a male child approximately 12 years of age and hiding in a closet. e child says he had heard his back door being kicked in and people walking around in his house. e child is crying on the phone, whispering that he is home alone, scared and doesn't know what to do. If helping people like the child in this hypothetical situation sounds ap- pealing, law enforcement could be an ideal career choice. ose interested in learning more about law enforcement and how to get started in this rewarding career can do so at Fayetteville Technical Commu- nity College. Fayetteville Technical Community College is conducting free monthly informational workshops about its Basic Law Enforcement Training pro- gram at the College's BLET location at 108 McKenzie Road in Spring Lake. e next workshops will be at 9 a.m. on July 13, August 10, September 7, October 5 and November 9. ose unsure about a law enforce- ment career path are invited to attend information sessions and meet the BLET staff. FTCC offers information on what to expect before, during and after the Academy, and they will an- swer any potential questions hopeful officers may have. Attendees will also have the opportunity to talk with a re- cruiter from a North Carolina law en- forcement agency about their agency and potential careers in law enforce- ment. Additionally, attendees have the chance to tour the BLET facility. To sign up for an information session and request an application packet, go to https://forms.faytechcc. edu/blet-academy/, or visit the Face- book page at FTCC Basic Law Enforce- ment Training and click on the "Sign Up" button located on the cover photo at the top. FTCC offers three BLET Academies each year, a spring full-time day acad- emy, a fall full-time day academy and a fall part-time night academy. If needed, interested parties can sign up for an application workshop where a BLET staff member will assist them through the lengthy process. ose who already know what BLET is all about can skip the informational session and move right into getting the application process completed with BLET staff assistance by printing out the application packet and bring- ing it to the workshop. Download the application from the FTCC website by visiting https://www.faytechcc.edu/ academics/public-service-programs/ basic-law-enforcement-training/. FTCC recommends signing up for an information session and applica- tion workshop with the BLET staff for those who want information and are ready to start the application process. Applicants are asked to print out the application packet and bring it to the workshop. By the time participants leave, more than 75% of the applica- tion process will be complete, and they will be on their way to a reward- ing career in law enforcement. ose who already know a career in law enforcement is for them and are ready to complete the application can download the application from the comfort of their home and get started. It is recommended that applicants begin the process five to six months before the desired class start date (due to time-sensitive material). Anything more than five to six months could expire before classes start. For any of the options mentioned above, click on the "Sign Up" button on the cover page. For more information about the BLET Academy, contact Yovana Vest by calling 910-678-1032 or emailing vesty@faytechcc.edu or Sonji Holmes at 910-486-7330 or holmess@fay- techcc.edu. YOVANNA VEST, BLET, FTCC. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. FTCC offers Basic Law Enforcement Training by YOVANNA VEST EDUCATION Photo courtesy of FTCC Making Banking Simple! • Apply Online • Sign Electronically • 30,000 surcharge free ATMs JOIN TODAY! ITS EASY. Equal Credit Opportunity Lender. Learn more about her journey at capefearvalley.com/bariatric or call (910) 615-2274 to speak with a member of our team. Your health, our specialty. Less aches, more joy. Since having bariatric surgery, Tameka has lost more than 100 pounds. Her body aches less and she's enjoying life more.

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