Up & Coming Weekly

June 21, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JUNE 22 - 28, 2022 UCW 19 All paws on deck: Paw Patrol coming to Fayetteville's Crown by ASHLEY SHIRLEY It's Pirate Day in Adventure Bay. Join Ryder, Chase, Marshall and Skye at the Crown eater on July 5 and 6 for Paw Patrol Live. It's an "all paws on deck" situation. e Sandhills' littlest adventurers can put their hero skills to the test and help the gang rescue Cap'n Turbot and uncover buried treasure on Adven- ture Bay with the help of a mysterious map. Tracker, a new puppy addition to the usual lineup, will assist as Mayor Humdinger tries to thwart the canine crusaders. e show, now seen by over 4 mil- lion people since its debut six years ago, is an interactive experience that engages kids and parents alike. "It's geared for ages 2 to 6, but I like to say 2 to 200," said Jeff Dietzel, spokesperson for the show. "Kids of any age can come and have a great time with their family." Since its debut in 2013, Paw Patrol has been a juggernaut in the kid's entertainment area. e franchise, spawning several direct-to-video ad- ventures, merchandise and a movie in 2021, shows no sign of slowing down. "Kids love puppies," Dietzel ex- plained the continued popularity of the show and its characters. "ey're so unique and individual. Each char- acter has their own personality and fears; they're unique, like all kids are unique. And sure, they're small, but they can be heroes too." While most kids are more than familiar with Adventure Bay's four- legged heroes, a knowledge of the show and its characters isn't necessary to fully enjoy the show. e broadway-style show certainly aims to deliver in the entertainment department, inviting audience mem- bers not only an opportunity to watch their favorite characters up on stage but to be a part of the show them- selves. "ere's lots of singing and danc- ing," Dietzel said of the show. "It's a great introduction to live theater. It's hard to sit there and be quiet. We encourage the kids to get up and sing and dance with us. Everyone in atten- dance gets a pIrate flag to wave — it's a highly interactive experience." Children are definitely the target audience, but Dietzel assured Up & Coming Weekly that the show is just as fun for parents as it is for kids. "It's a great time for the whole fam- ily; parents have a great time seeing their kids have fun. It's like a mini-rock concert," he joked. General admission tickets are $18, with a limited number of VIP (Very Important Pup) packages also avail- able. VIP tickets are $110 and include prime seating, an after-show photo-op with the characters and a souvenir bag to take home. "I really hope that kids have a great time," Dietzel said. "My favorite thing is to hear that 'this was the best day ever,'" It's awesome to hear; it makes us feel like we've done a great job." Showtimes are Tuesday, July 5, and Wednesday, July 6, starting at 6 p.m. e Crown eater is located at 1960 Coliseum Dr. in Fayetteville. For tickets, visit capefeartix.com, or call 910-438-4100. ASHLEY SHIRLEY, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 EVENT Paw Patrol LIVE! e Great Pirate Adventure promotional graphic. (Courtesy of the Crown- Complex) Presents Rivermistwith Special Guest Gates open 5:00 Jammin Jon Kiebon 6:00-7:00 Rivermist 7:30-10:00 All American Homes FREE CONCERT! KIM EVERS TEAM July 1st Guitarist/Songwriter 'Jammin Jon Kiebon Food, Soft Drinks, Beer & Wine on Sale, Cash Bar w/ all ABC Permits PLUS Music, dancing, food + Fun! Continue the fun at our After Party 10 pm-UNTIL

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