Desert Messenger

June 15, 2022

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 AZDHS Update 4 Food Bank updates 4 The Heat is on! 5 GFWC Women's Club update 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 7 Sheriff's update 7 Hwy. 60 update 8 The Salvation Army update 9 QES Students of the Month 10 Meet the Candidates 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Dog safety for July 4th 11 Chamber Pizza fundraiser 11 PBS Documentary 12 Essie & Al Morris honored 12 Shop Small Bingo 13 Election update from Recorder 15 Around Town 15 Be Read Cross Ready 16 Sons of Desert Night Owls 17 Monsoon tips 18 Puzzle Page 19 In Memoriam 21 Classifi ed 20 Paul Winer's Cartoon 23 Photos • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 June 15, 2022 VOL. 18 # 347 Alwa y s FREE! SEE POSTMASTER PAGE 17 4th of July events at Town park! N�� �� ��� 1 8 t h YEAR! June 19 th Quartzsite, AZ - America A. Fucci was installed as Postmaster of Quartzsite, Arizona at 12 noon Friday, June 10, 2022. She was joined by family, friends and team members in a special ceremony. Post Of- fi ce Operations Manager Donna Fay administered the Oath of Offi ce to Fucci during the ceremony. Quartzsite Mayor Norm Simpson, Council Members Starr BearCat, Lynda Goldberg & Karey Amon attended the ceremony along with many local residents. "It is a great honor to serve Quartzsite as your new Postmaster, and I look forward to meeting ev- eryone soon," said Fucci. America A. Fucci became the new Postmaster of the Quartzsite Post Offi ce effective May 7, 2022. Fucci served in the US Navy from 1992- 2000 as an Engineman.She graduated from college in Oregon in 2016 with an AAS in Business. She has supervised and managed for 25+ years in the military and civilian sector. Fucci started in the Post Of- fi ce in Blythe, CA as a PSE (Postal Support Employees) on October 27, 2018, converted to a PTF (Part Time Flexible Letter Carrier) January 19, 2019. On April 11, 2020, she transferred to Earp, CA., for the oppor- tunity to learn supervising and managing. She stepped in as OIC sev- eral times when the PM was on vacation. Most recently served as OIC (Offi cer In Charge) after the Postmaster retired in December of 2021. In March of 2022 she came to the Quartzsite Station with the hopes of promoting to Postmaster when the position became available. Quartzsite welcomes new Postmaster America Fucci Post Office Operations Manager Donna Fay (left) installed Quartzsite Post Master America A. Fucci (right) Friday, June 10, 2022 Quartzsite, AZ - The Town of Quartzsite is planning the an- nual Independence Day Celebra- tion. Family Fun & Fireworks are planned for Monday, July 4th, at the Town Park Pavilion (Dance Slab on N. Plymouth Ave. near the Dog Park) Activities will start at 5:00 pm and will include a water slide for the kids, food and drinks free for the kids, snow cones, rock paint- ing, and games. Fireworks will begin at 9:00 pm. Come on out for the biggest com- munity event of the year! Bring your chairs and enjoy an evening with neighbors and friends. For more details, contact Jewel at the Community Center, 928- 927-4333 x 404.

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