CityView Magazine

June 2022

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Arianna Herring Cumberland Int'l Early College Miles Fowler Reid Ross Classical Hyasen Gray Jack Britt Tamrian Gibbs E. E. Smith Jefferson Skinner Cross Creek Early College Miracle Williams Pine Forest Kaitlyn Zuravel Terry Sanford Nichelle Smith Douglas Byrd Gavin Lawrence Massey Hill Classical Forsby Quick Gray's Creek Ka e Royal Westover Luis Mancilla-Vazquez Cumberland Polytechnic Elaura Dalton Cumberland Academy (6-12) Aiana Abron Alger B. Wilkins Adejuwon Balogun Seventy-First Jedidiah Coon Cape Fear Trinity Ashworth South View #StandoutSeniors Each year, CCS names a graduating senior at each high school as a Standout Senior. Check out our social media sites or visit to find out more about the 17 Standout Seniors we are recognizing this year. Cumberland County Schools' is dedicated to giving its students everything they need to be capable, confident, and successful in life. This graduating class of approximately 3,500 students is ready for the next chapter and is planning to attend some of the top colleges and universities, serve in the military, or begin their careers. Congratula ons, Class of 2022! CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS 2465 Gillespie Street . Fayetteville, NC 28306

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