Desert Messenger

May 18, 2022

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Congratulations to SALOME HIGH SCHOOL Graduating Seniors Justine Felix This space donated by Desert Messenger - Catarina Palma Connor Conley Amelia Bryant Edward Romage Ehibrajan Jovani Erica Yanez Eliyah Jagroop Elizabeth Nolen Fernando Amaya German Fernando Zazueta Flavio Lopez Pasillas Freedom Funkhouser Graciela Gutierrez Hope Freedman Jason Dominski Jose Acosta Lizbeth Mariscal Rojas Jose Castillo-Guillen Juan Castro Rivas Kariz Galendez Katie Watlington Kevin Reyes Melanie Mendoza Nicholas Dautel Roberto Gonzalez Rochin Uriel Anthony Calvez Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover. – Mark Twain Victor Gaxiola Gastelum Jr. Waylon Elliot

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