Desert Messenger is your local connection for news, events, and entertainment!
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WHAT'S INSIDE 5 AARP Free tax help 5 Heroes Appreciation Day 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 7 Letter to Editor 7 Council Recap 8 Assessor's Corner 8 Election Info 9 Red Cross Training 10 Gardening with Dennis 11 Monica Timberlake award 12 The Salvation Army updates 13 Food Bank Fundraiser 14 Snakes Are out 15 Around Town 16 Sons of the Desert 17 Restaurants 17 QES Students of the Month 18 AA Meetings 19 In Memoriam 20 Classifi eds 20 Paul Winer's Cartoon 22 Photos • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 March 16, 2022 VOL. 18 # 344 Alwa y s FREE! SEE BUCK CONNORS PAGE 15 ����� | 2019 D����� M�������� A������� Buck Connors Days March 18 & 19 N�� �� ��� 1 8 t h YEAR! QUARTZSITE, AZ The third annual Buck Connors Western Days will be held Friday and Sat- urday, March 18th & 19th, 2022 at Quartzsite Town Park. The free event is family fun ad- venture, featuring live music, crafts, vendors, food court and a beer garden. Events on Friday include a Health Fair 7:00am-10:00 with mammograms available 7am- 11am at the Community Center. 9:00am-3:00pm The Branding Iron Art Show & Sale will take place both days at Community Center Annex. 9am- 3pm. 10% of sales go to local charities. Raffl es & Refreshments available. There will be a secret artist reveal Friday 10am! Opening Ceremony is at 10am at the Baseball fi eld on Friday and Mayor Simpson will speak on Saturday 10am. Both days there will be fun for kids of all ages. From 10am-6pm the 1880's Village Kid's Fun Corral Sponsored by the Quartzsite Wom- en's Club will have Gold Panning, Fossil Hunting, Plant & Harvest, Washtub Laundry, Corn Maze, Toys & Games, Sand Drawings, Puppet Theater, Old Time Photos. Friday and Saturday Pacifi c North- west Camel Company will offer camel rides from 10am-6pm. "Dia- mond" returns from Camelpalooza. Both days there will be a Doggie Dress Up Photo Contest spon- sored by The Shear Shed. Prizes awarded at 2:30pm Saturday. From 11am-4pm Friday and Saturday, the Quartzsite Police Explorers will host a Jail & Bail Fundraiser. Live Music on the stage Friday, March 18th, Jade Street Band Rock & Roll will entertain from 12 noon - 3pm. Country singer Matt Far- ris will be featured 3pm-6pm. On Saturday, March 19, Woodie and the Longboards will present their tributes to the Beach Boys and the Eagles. Also on Saturday, home- town entertainers Dan Lesper- ance will present popular songs while Sam Saxton will perform old favorites. Bring your chairs. Saturday kicks off with a Sunrise Run sponsored by Quartzsite Fire District. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. at the Quartzsite Com- munity Center. Entry fees include $15 for the one-mile walk/run, $25 for the 5k run, and $35 for the 10k run. There will be prizes for the top three male and female runners. A special event t-shirt is $10. To register, call 928-927- 6556 for details. Also on Saturday, the Quartzsite Historical Society will host a Pio- neer Historic Sites Tour for free. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Quartzsite Community Cen- ter, 295 E. Chandler Street. A Cowboy Chili Cook-off spon- sored by Coyote Fresh Foods will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Town Hall Baseball Field. $5 tasting. 10:00am-noon will be Free Art Class at Community Center; sup- plies provided, limited space, fi rst come, fi rst served. Call Oney Budge for details, 208-317-2315.