You At Your Best

April 2022 • Allergies & Asthma

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April 2022 Allergies & AsthmA issue Allergies and asthma are on the rise, and it's nothing to sneeze at. As of 1970, around one in ten Americans suffered from hay fever, and in 2000 that number skyrocketed to three in ten. Americans who were affected by asthma, oftentimes accompanied by hay fever, rose from 3.1 percent to 8.4 percent of the population between 1980 and 2010. Truly scary is the fact that asthma accounts for one-quarter of all emergency room visits in the U.S. each year—about 2 million annually. In this issue of You at Your Best, we explore the causes of these chronic illnesses and strategies to reduce and alleviate suffering from allergies and asthma. 5 how to reduce risk of allergic reactions in the kitchen 6 understanding asthma as allergy season returns 4 Avoid common pitfalls in the combat against allergies 5 Keep seasonal allergies in check 6 3 allergens that may trigger asthma attacks 7 seasonal allergies & immunotherapy 9 spring cleaning to reduce allergy symptoms Washington regional provides clinics throughout Northwest Arkansas features contents President Brent A. Powers Sales Manager Don Jones Advertising Operations Manager Sandy Robinson Creative Services Manager Brian Huntley Content Marketing Manager Karen Rice 2 | YOu At YOur Best | YOuAtYOurBest.NWAONliNe.cOm April - Allergies & AsthmA | suNdAY, mArch 27, 2022

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