Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1445713
WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JANUARY 26, 2022 - FEBRUARY 1, 2022 UCW 5 LETTERS TO THE PUBLISHER Efrain "Freddie" de la Cruz I am Efrain "Freddie" de la Cruz, a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and Mayoral Candidate for Fayetteville. is is my assessment of the crime and law enforcement situation in our "Can Do" city. First, you need to know that I served over thirty-two years in the U.S. Army and have more than twenty-eight years of experience as a military police officer. Five years of that was spent in an active combat zone, an experience that quali- fies me to understand why Fayetteville is struggling with rising homicide and crime rates and how poor leadership within the Fayetteville Police Department is festering and fostering discontent, low morale and subsequently, a scandal- ous deficit of quality law enforcement officers. I am a battle-tested proven leader that understands what needs to be done to curtail crime and keep our citizens safe. e crime statistics speak for them- selves: Record-setting murder rate in 2021, with the first couple weeks of 2022 out to surpass that. Fayetteville does not need to be the murder capital of North Carolina. ere are no easy solutions, but I strongly believe that petty crimes, property damage and murders can be significantly curtailed by allowing our Fayetteville police officers to do their job and enforce the law. When you let the people openly and without consequence break the law by rioting, looting and dangerously ignoring and violating local traffic laws, we create an environment of lawlessness. And, that is what we are currently witnessing in our city. Recently, the Fayetteville Ethics Commission dismissed all the allegations of misconduct against Fayetteville Police Chief Gina Hawkins. Sad. She is the dark cloud hanging over the entire Fayetteville Police Department. Public safety is the mainstay of my campaign to run for mayor of Fayetteville. Of course, I believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty; however, the toxic environment in the police department and the dysfunctional makeup of our City Council all speak for themselves. As mayor, I would encourage Fayetteville citizens to replace the current leadership. As your mayor, I would strongly recommend that the City Manager fire Gina Hawkins and replace her with a chief of police with integrity and an impeccable record in law enforcement. Regarding the recent senseless shooting of Jason Walker by off-duty Cumberland County deputy Lt. Jeffery Hash, my sympathies are with both families. Now, we must allow the official investigation of the incident to deter- mine the case's fate. I'm confident the assigned agencies will do a thorough and fair investigation, and justice will be dispersed according to the laws of North Carolina. Justice and peace work hand and hand [sic]. I ask that everyone pray for unity, our community and the future of our great City of Fayetteville. ank you, and I would appreciate your support and vote for Mayor of Fayetteville. J. Antoine Miner Cooler Heads Must Prevail: e shoot- ings that took place this week [Jan. 1 to 8] in Fayetteville are indeed tragedies and should be handled as such. ere are no words that will comfort the families and loved one[s] of the two men who were shot and killed on our streets this week [Jan. 1 to 8], and our hearts go out to the families! Our city is saddened and heartbroken! Editor's Note: e content included below and on the following pages was submitted by each candidate to Publisher Bill Bowman, and has only been edited by the production staff for spelling and punctuation. e letters have been placed in the order they were received. Publisher's Note: ese views are the candidates and their's alone and do not reflect the opinions of our newspaper. Up & Coming Weekly is not endorsing these candidates. ese are views from citizens who want to contribute their time and talents to the community. Mayoral candidates speak to voters Owned & Operated by TWO BROTHERS Catering I n t i m on y a t T h e V i n e P riva te • R o m a n tic • A f f o rd ab le C u st o m C a teri n g by T w o B r o t h ers Intimony at THE VINE Event Venue Wedding Packages Meeting & Party Facilities CALL 910-584-9892 to host your event CALL 910-584-9892 eVineNC.com or TwoBrothersCateringNC.com 806 Katie Street Fayetteville NC (Of f Owen Drive behind O-Reilly's) M areena & J a m es Distribution Driver Needed For Wednesday distribution route Must have vehicle, valid driver's license and insurance 2021 SP E C I A L E D I T I O N 24 th ANNUAL F R E E F R E E THE JOY OF MUSIC Proudly sponsored by: The Cape Fear Region's Fun Family Newspaper • December 2021 The Cape Fear Region's Fun Family Newspaper • December 2021 UP & COMING WEEKLY HEY! THIS PAPER BELONGS TO : 2022 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 22 vol. Email a brief work history & contact information to: laurel@upandcomingweekly.com CONTACT: Laurel Handforth Distribution Director 910.484.6200