Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 20 UCW JANUARY 26, 2022 - FEBRUARY 1, 2022 Classifieds are compiled by the following organizations: TO ADVERTISE IN UP & COMING WEEKLY'S CLASSIFIED SECTION, CALL 484-6200 DISCLAIMER Reader Advisory: e following classifieds have been purchased by the National Trade Association we belong to. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer "employment" but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it's illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada. THE FOLLOWING ADS HAVE NOT BEEN SCREENED BY THE SOUTHEASTERN ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION ((SAPA)); erefore, any discrepancies thereof shall not be the responsibility of the aforementioned association. Your publisher has agreed to participate in this program and run these ads at no charge as a service to the Southeastern Advertising Publishers Association. CLASSIFIEDS Beware of fraud. Please check with the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Protection Agency before sending any money to any company, especially relating to these listings. BUSINESS SERVICES Add ToneKote® to the diet of dogs & cats to insure a warm winter coat, stop shedding, doggy odor. At Tractor Supply® (www. fleabeacon.com) The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. 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Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725 (ADS) Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 (ADS) Update your home with beautiful new blinds & shades. Free in-home estimates make it con- venient to shop from home. Professional installation. Top quality - Made in the USA. Free con-sultation: 877-212- 7578. Ask about our specials! (ADS) HughesNet - Finally, Association of Community Publishers