Up & Coming Weekly

November 23, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2021 UCW 17 When I made the decision to become a group fitness instruc- tor the style of teaching that most caught my attention was barre. When we hear the word barre visuals may come to mind of floating ballet dancers in tutus and pirouettes. My husbands' male friends had another connota- tion of the word bar. When he told them I was taking a class to teach barre they asked him if we were going to open a nightclub! You do not have to be a ballet dancer or have previous dance experience to take a barre class, barre is not about dance it is about move- ment. It is low to moderate exer- cise that infuses ballet, yoga and strength training for a wide variety of fitness levels. e exercises can increase flexibility, strengthen the core, improve posture and bal- ance. You can take barre classes at private studios specifically for that purpose or fitness centers and gyms. e styles and concepts may vary but the bottom line is that they are designed towards a full- body minimal impact endurance workout. Barre targets specific muscle groups with movements at a slower pace. You might hear the words "feel the burn" or "shake" which means that you have worked the muscles to the peak that you feel your muscles shake and know that you have worked a muscle group to its entirety. A typical barre class will include a warmup, the body of the class and a cool down. After the warmup participants may move to the barre for exercis- es that target muscle groups such as hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps and calves. An exercise example would be a set of pliés that include static holds, pulses and engage the calves with a compound movement. A set of exercises could include a set on one side and a repeat on the other side or facing the barre. A benefit in taking a class is a facility will have barres installed. e aid of a barre helps with stability, form and is a terrific addition for more complex moves and stretching. When a barre is not available facilities might use the aid of a chair for support. Classes may also include floor work on the mat with exercises for abdominals and core. e incorporation of light weights, stretch bands, Bender Balls and gliding discs are tools that can be used to further work the muscle groups. e end of class includes a cooldown and stretching. Mobil- ity is a huge reason to take a barre class, especially for the hip flexors that tend to get tight from sitting. It improves postural alignment, flexibility and functional fitness for everyday life. It can improve the way we bend, reach for some- thing on the shelf, turn to look at something or squat to pick up an object. By attending regularly, you will be able to see and feel improve- ments with your strength and flexibility. If you are interested in attending a class meet the instruc- tor before beginning the class to familiarize yourself with the format and address any concerns that you may have with class par- ticipation. Begin with fewer repetitions or modifications and rest when needed. You will see participants with flexibility and strength levels of all ages in class. e benefits of barre are obvious in the par- ticipants that have consistently attended. Wear activewear such as leggings, t-shirt, flexible shoes, barre socks or bare feet. Bring your mat, water bottle and a hand towel to wipe that brow because you will sweat! Attend a class, have fun and live, love, life at the barre! FITNESS CYNTHIA ROSS, Personal Trainer. COMMENTS? Editor@ upandcomingweekly.com. 910- 484-6200. DAN DEBRULER, General Manager, WCLN. Comments? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Meet me at the barre by CYNTHIA ROSS e holiday season is always an odd time for me. I love to give gifts, but I don't really care to add to the collection of unwanted gifts. In my home, we often talk about trusting God to meet our needs. at doesn't mean we stand on the shore and watch for our ship to come in. We work hard to make sure we've done all we can to provide for our family and others, but still, we trust God. Sometimes I'll pray and ask for specific things — you know, a par- ticular amount of money, favorable diagnosis of a car problem — and I suspect you do too. Nothing wrong with that, but there's truly more to having your needs met than having stuff go your way. It may be as simple as being content with where you are and what you have. My wife and I must be on the same wavelength concerning contentment. We have a little chalkboard in our kitchen where we'll write a recipe or date night idea, but recently I walked into the kitchen and saw these words: "What if God has already provided?" at stopped me. And the thought has haunted me for weeks. What if, in my quest for more and better, I've overlooked what I already have? It's caused me to take stock of my time, talents and resources. It's even changed the way I pray, and how I look at pretty much everything. Discontentment runs rampant in our culture, and today I want to offer you three choices you can make in your life that can lead you to genuine, biblical, lasting contentment. First, seek contentment as a lifestyle. Choose it. Acknowledge that you would not be happier if you had more. You wouldn't be — you'd likely be more miserable. God's Word contains clear warnings for us: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:25.) Second, learn to say, "I have enough." Let those words reign in your home. Push back from the table and say, "I've had enough." When money comes your way — a surprise bonus from work, an inheritance from your great uncle, even finding $50 in your coat pocket — resist the cravings for more. Lastly, settle it. Here's a challenge — choose a lifestyle; don't let your income dictate your lifestyle. Choose a comfortable level of living that meets your needs, and don't compro- mise that with more spending when more income arrives. If you don't choose a lifestyle, this culture will choose one for you, and by default, it will be the lifestyle of living beyond your means. Be counter-cultural. Be radical. Be others oriented. Let enough be enough. Learn from the examples of those around you (both the contented and the covetous.) You'll save yourself some heartache and know the joy of a truly contented attitude. More does not equal happier. I promise. And remember this from Philippians 4:19 — "My God will supply every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." The art of contentment by DAN DEBRULER FAITH Photo courtesy of Pexels Photo courtesy of Pexels

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