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WHAT'S INSIDE 4 Pipe Bomb at QPD 4 Food Bank Fundraisers 4 AA Meetings 6 Editorial 6 Town Texting 7 COVID-19 Updates 7 Isaiah 58 Project 7 LDS Nativity Display 8 OHV Staging Area 9 The Salvation Army updates 9 Chamber Thanks Community 10 Gardening with Dennis 11 Art Guild 11 QES Students of the Month 12 Council Meeting Recap 14 Thrift Store Donations 16 Musuem Update 17 Shop Small Saturday 19 Food Bank Quilt Raffl e 20 Increase of COVID-19 Cases 21 Salome High updates 22 AROUND TOWN 23 Camping 24-25 In Memoriam 26 Puzzles 27 Calendar 28-29 CLASSIFIEDS 29 Shopping is the Way to Go 29 Paul Winer's Cartoon 30 PHOTOS • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 November 17 November 17 November 17 November 17 November 17, 2021 VOL. 18 40 Alwa y s FREE! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 18 t h YEAR! Free Community Concert Nov. 20 SEE PARADE PAGE 12 SEE GOLD TOOTH PAGE 8 Quartzsite, AZ - The annual Christmas Light Parade spon- sored by the Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce in cooper- ation with the Town of Quartzsite will be held on December 4th 2021 starting at 7 p.m. Christmas Light Parade set for Christmas Light Parade set for Christmas Light Sat. Dec. 4 th By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - Town of Quartzsite will host a free Town of Quartzsite will host a free community concert in the park Saturday, Novem- community concert in the park Saturday, Novem- ber 20th . the fun starts at 2pm and goes until 6pm. ber 20th . the fun starts at 2pm and goes until 6pm. Woodie and the Longboards will be performing trib- Woodie and the Longboards will be performing trib- utes to the Beach Boys, Eagles, and the Beatles. utes to the Beach Boys, Eagles, and the Beatles. Woodie and the Longboards began in 2002 by John Woodie and the Longboards began in 2002 by John "Woodie" Keating. Having just left a position as front- "Woodie" Keating. Having just left a position as front- man for a Disney house band, John assembled musi- man for a Disney house band, John assembled musi- cians he had enjoyed working with over the years to focus on performing music from the 60's and 70's. This gave rise to "That 70's Band" and "That 60's Band". An agent from the Pacifi c Northwest asked if they had a more "beachy" sounding name that he could use to book them as a Beach Boys Tribute for an Oregon Casino. John quickly decided on Woodie and the Longboards, played Oregon, and have never looked back. Since that time they have performed Beach Party themed shows for a variety of clients across the country, but still perform mostly in South- ern California. John (Woodie) Keating is the founding member and manager of the group. In addition to leading the Longboards, John is also a fi fth grade teacher in California. He plays guitar, keyboards, sings and is the frontman for the group. He has been a profes- sional musician his entire adult life and has played just about everywhere. Also performing on stage will be Alaska Dan (Daniel Lesperance), acoustic guitar virtuoso and Sam Saxton, golden-voiced oldies and favorites. There will be food and showcase of com- munity clubs, organizations and services. The Non-profi ts that have confi rmed their pres- ence are: Quartzsite Roadrunner Gem and Mineral Club, Sunriders OHV Club, Geocache Group, VFW Post 769, Quartzsite Historical Society, Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank, Quartzsite Art Guild, Quartzsite Improvement Assoc. (QIA), Desert Flyers, QUARTZSITE, Ariz. (Nov. 9, 2021) – Quartzsite, Arizona, bills itself as the "Rock Capital of the World," a rockhound's paradise that is also known for gem and mineral shows and gold hunting. So, it's probably fi tting that The Salvation Army Quartzsite Service Center and Thrift Store recently received a unique surprise – a gold tooth deposited in a countertop Red Kettle near the thrift store's cash register. "We have no idea who left us this generous and clever gift, but we are most grateful," said a smil- ing Lee-Ann Henle, The Salvation Army Quartzsite Service Center Coordinator and Thrift Store Man- ager. "What a fun and blessed way to kick off the holiday season!" Henle, who discovered the tooth on last Friday, estimates it weighs around fi ve grams, which could put its value somewhere around $300. "From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank the person who left us this wonderful gift," said Lt. Colonel Ivan Wild, The Salvation Army Southwest Divisional Commander. Gold Tooth donated at Quartzsite Salvation Army Thrift Store Quartzsite Salvation Army Thrift Store Quartzsite Salvation SEE CONCERT PAGE 7