Up & Coming Weekly

November 16, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 16 UCW NOVEMBER 17-23, 2021 Local brewery hosts fifth annual Hoppy Thanksgiving event by ELAINA J. MARTIN anksgiving is a day when we reflect on all we are thankful for, often that is our family and friends. It can be hard to spend the holidays far from family and friends. Fayetteville has a large military population, which means that there are a lot of folks far from home, and they often can't make it back home for the holiday. "We always have a great mili- tary crowd in our taproom, and we are a veteran-owned compa- ny," said Olivia Caughey, event manager at Bright Light Brewing Company. "We encourage those serving that do not have anksgiving plans to come on down!" BLBC is hosting Hoppy anksgiving for the fifth year. ey are a startup nano-brewery in downtown Fayetteville locat- ed at 444 West Russell St., Suite 102. Hoppy anksgiving is free and open to all ages. e event starts at 1:30 p.m. and runs until 9 p.m. on anks- giving, Nov. 25. ere will be live music from 7 – 9 p.m. Dogs are welcome. What would anksgiving be without turkey? BLBC will be cooking up three turkeys for the event. Side dishes and goodies will be prepared and donated by staff. If you want to share your fa- vorite food, they encourage pa- trons to bring it to the taproom. But don't feel as though you must. You do not need to bring anything to celebrate anksgiv- ing with BLBC. "e company expects to see some of their mug club mem- bers which is a group of 75 individuals we have invited to be a part of a group where they have a permanent mug at our taproom and special events," Caughey said. "Also at Hoppy anksgiv- ing, in addition to the mug club members, staff family and friends, and hopefully those who don't have anksgiving plans will come." BLBC knows how to put the "hop" in Hoppy anksgiving. "We will, as always, have 15 taps, canned ciders and wines, as well as three new beers," Caughey said. "We're bringing back our pineapple pale ale, a caramel macchiato beer and a special holiday pilsner." ere is no reason why you should be alone this holiday. BLBC invites those without a place to go to join them on anksgiving to enjoy good compay, a holiday meal and a beer. EVENTS ELAINA J. MARTIN, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Images courtesy of BLBC. Help your kids to develop reading and critical thinking skills by playing games, solving puzzles, and reading exciting educational stories!

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