Up & Coming Weekly

November 16, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM NOVEMBER 17-23, 2021 UCW 11 Founder of Cora's Community Foundation, Rakeem "Keem" Jones, has organized a community event to "ensure that no family goes hungry or cold during the holiday season," taking place Nov. 21, at Segra Stadium from 2 – 6 p.m. Cora's Community Foundation and Southern CC Inc. have partnered to- gether for this community event, entitled "Everybody Eats," as a form of commu- nity service and unity with the city of Fayetteville. Cora's Community Foundation's mis- sion is listed on charitynavigator.org as "spiritual, educational and economic empowerment of underserved youth, families and other at-risk residents in Cumberland County, North Carolina." Southern CC Inc. is described on their website "as a non-profit organization whose sole mission is to empower home- less veterans by rebuilding and revital- izing communities — while providing a network of support to assist homeless veterans and residents rebuild their lives." e event will also honor veterans, from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. by showing Vet- eran Awareness Films centered around human trafficking, autism awareness and cryptocurrency. Jones asserts that Everybody Eats shows that Fayetteville creates more op- portunities through citizen and commu- nity effort by coming together in unity for the holidays. "I remember the different holiday events all over the city. However, I re- member my mom not having transporta- tion to get to them," Jones said. "So I felt there should be one major event rather than multiple events." Everybody Eats is offering resources and supplies for families to make it through the following months as winter sets in as well as support in recovering from the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. "We will have resources to assist with rent, utilities, education, job placement, clothing/hygiene," Jones listed. "Health and wellness, veteran services and youth services, along with food and winter items." As a community leader, Jones' self- proclaimed mission is to guarantee that Everybody Eats because "COVID hurt more than the homeless population ... everybody was affected drastically. at's why this event is called Everybody Eats." Jones chose Segra Stadium for the event based on convenience for those traveling. "Segra Stadium is the perfect location because of the amount of space. Fur- thermore, on a personal note, I wanted to show people that grew up with me, or like me, that you can do anything you put your mind and heart to," Jones said. "Don't ever let anybody tell you what you can't do." Jones encourages the community to support the homeless population and those who may suffer from the lasting ef- fects of the COVID-19 pandemic. "I feel like if we come together as a community, we can help the commu- nity," Jones said. For more information or to help sup- port the Everybody Eats event, contact Jones at 910-709-0826 or rjjones5045@ gmail.com or Tony Brown at 910-568- 5165 or contact@southernccinc.org. Local community foundations orga- nize Everybody Eats event by DORMIYA VANCE DORMIYA VANCE, Contribut- ing Writer. COMMENTS? editor@ upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484- 6200. SPIRIT OF GIVING 2022 Community Directory 2022 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE POCKET GUIDE 2022 Community Directory 2022 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE POCKET GUIDE 2022 Community Directory POCKET GUIDE FREE to Residents, Businesses and Organizations throughout our Community Reserve your Full Page Ad NOW in the 2022 Pocket Guide. Television and Radio Stations Universities & Colleges Local Annual Events Frequently Called Numbers Area Health Facilities County Libraries Local Festivals 18 Month Calendar Parks & Recreation Town of Hope Mills & Hope Mills Chamber Schools Public & Private Museums & Galleries Live Theatre For More Information Call 910-484-6200 www.upandcomingweekly.com nline 24/7 Welcome to Fayetteville 2021 Business & Community Directory W W W . U P A N D C O M I N G W E E K L Y . C O M POCKET GUIDE 21 vol. 40,000 Distribution All Year Long City-Wide • County-Wide • on Ft. Bragg • and I-95

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