Delta Chi - Kansas State University

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University

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Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University FALL 2021 FALL 2021 KSU Chapter Fast Facts 3.64 GPA 6th President's Cup 14 Fall New Members T he K-State Delta Chi chapter is having a fantastic fall semester,, and things are finally starting to get back to normal. Juniors and seniors are embracing the pre- COVID fraternity experience they missed so much while freshmen and sophomores are getting a fresh look at what makes our chapter so special. Spirits are high, brotherhood is strong, and I have several announcements I am proud to share with our alumni. NUMBER TWO IN GRADES Our chapter has maintained a lasting standard of academic excellence at K-State, and this past spring semester was no different. Delta Chi had the second highest GPA on campus with 3.64, falling short of first place by 0.01. This is a huge milestone in a years-long journey of consistently beating our previously standing GPA records, and I am incredibly proud of the hard work our members have put in to make this happen. SUMMER ALUMNI EVENT On July 31, we held our first in-person alumni event in almost two years. Brothers of all ages met in Kansas City at Maloney's Sports Bar to share experiences, celebrate our achievements, and expand our brotherly bonds. This was one of the largest showings of alumni I have ever seen in my four years with Delta Chi, and as I write this, the memory still brings a smile to my face. It was wonderful seeing all who attended, and we look forward to seeing you again at our next alumni happy hour on Saturday, April 23rd. MOVING INTO MORO In early August, 14 brothers moved into our new chapter house at 801 Moro, filling it to capacity. This monumental achievement has the chapter more excited than ever to create lasting memories in the brotherhood of a lifetime. We have held multiple barbecues out back, played a lot of 3-on-3 basketball, and had watch parties for K-State games. We could not have reached this goal without your help, so on behalf of the undergraduates, thank you for the best gift we could have ever asked for. STAYING TRUE TO OUR CHARACTER K-State Delta Chi Wins Fifth President's Cup in Seven Years "AA" Aaron Otto '98 delivering the President's Cup at the chapter's back-to-school barbecue. ANOTHER PRESIDENT'S CUP To cap off my report, I have saved the best for last. It is my extreme honor to announce that our chapter received yet another President's Cup for the 2020-21 school year, making this our fifth cup in seven years and our sixth cup overall. We received awards of excellence with distinction in all four programming awards categories, proving that we are extremely well- rounded. The chapter rose to the challenge and exceeded expectations. This was possible not only because of the undergraduate members, but also our dedicated alumni who assist us in ways both big and small. Your continued support of our chapter is what maintains our success on campus, and I am beyond humbled to be a part of this fraternity which you all push to be better each and every day. Thank you, and always remember, it's a great day to be a Delta Chi! Fraternally, Jake Adams '22 "A" Chapter President • Active members at our new chapter house on 801 Moro.

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