Alpha Chi Omega - University of Kansas

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Phi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Kansas

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Notes of the Lyre PHI CHAPTER OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | FALL 2021 A s we near the end of 2021, I am positive everyone is exhausted of reading or hearing about COVID-19; it has been a part of everyone's life for almost two years now. So instead of discussing its impact on Phi Chapter or the University of Kansas, I would like to comment on all the people who have helped our chapter over the past two years. With the hard work and support of the chapter, alumnae, House Corporation Board, and Alpha Chi Omega's Headquarters, the chapter emerged from last year with only a few scratches. First, I want to thank all the alumnae who generously donated to Phi Chapter to maintain a balanced budget despite all the pandemic's financial costs. You truly illustrated how much Phi Chapter means to you after all these years. Secondly, thank you to everyone on the House Corporation Board who endured one of the most stressful years since I joined the board nine years ago. Each board member had personal struggles they were dealing with because of the pandemic, but everyone came together to help Phi Chapter successfully finish the 2020-21 year. Lastly, I must also thank the staff at Alpha Chi Omega's Headquarters, who guided our Phi Chapter advisors and chapter officers in keeping our members safe in the house—as well as advising on our chapter budget for this and last school year. At this point, we can start to breathe a sigh of relief, but there is still more to go through. Things are slowly reaching "normal" at KU— whatever that can be at this time. Football fans are returning to the David Booth Kansas Memorial Stadium. In-person classes have resumed this semester. The members of Phi Chapter are continuing their involvement in philanthropy and community service opportunities as much as possible. Last year, they held a couple of item drives for The Willow Domestic Violence Center, utilizing an Instagram bingo fundraiser. They also held a Mr. Alpha Chi event, in which men across KU's campus raised awareness about domestic violence. Recruitment week was also in-person this fall and safely done; we welcomed 79 new members this year! My hope is that, in the next year, we can host an in-person alumnae event at the chapter house for all who feel comfortable attending. In closing, I want to reach out to any alumnae who have considered joining the house corporation. We have a wonderful group of ladies who have been strong and supportive during my time as president. If you are interested, please reach out to me or other board members about any questions you may have. As always, our goal is to provide and maintain a house that is comfortable and safe for our members here in Lawrence. Loyally, Stephanie Spratt Schmidt '93 President, House Corporation Beer Days Are Ahead Phi Sisters Continue to Adapt Alpha Chi Hits the Ground Running Chapter Prioritizes Recruitment and Development This Fall P hi Chapter has had quite a busy fall! We began with an incredible recruitment, welcoming 79 new members to our sisterhood. We held formal initiation on October 21, and VP of Ritual and Fraternity Appreciation Abby Threlkeld '20 had wonderful events planned throughout the week, including a Dreamcake ceremony. Our chapter was thrilled to welcome all the new initiates! On the weekend of September 17, Phi Chapter hosted our annual Dad's Weekend. VP of Membership Programming Bella Line '19 planned a great weekend of dinners, contests, karaoke, and football. The dads of Alpha Chi had a fantastic time cheering on the Jayhawks. Bella has also been busy providing our members with bonding activities like s'mores at Clinton Lake and yoga on The Hill. September continued with great news as Kyra Jansky '20 was named KU Panhellenic's Scholar of the Month. We are so proud of her! To end the month, we had our Big/Little reveal on September 29. This event is a favorite among our members. It's so fun to see our families grow even bigger; we had many pairs of twins this year because of our incredible 79- woman member class. This October, VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Melisa Martin del Campo '19 hosted an incredible event where she catered (Continued on page 2) Some of our seniors on philanthropy day during recruitment.

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