Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2021 UCW 17 FITNESS CYNTHIA ROSS, Personal Trainer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Water is essential for the earth and all living creatures to flourish. It does not take long to feel the effects of not having water. Our bodies consist of about 60% water and survival without it can range from two days to a week. e way we re- spond to lack of hydration can vary with age, medical condi- tions, medications, activity levels and heat. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink, chances are you are already slightly dehy- drated. ink about how long a plant takes to replenish from the lack of water and we are not any different. Water is magic to our bodies and regulates our body temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, aids in the elimination of waste and lu- bricates the spinal cord. It also nourishes our skin, hair, nails and aids in weight loss with a boost to our metabolism and an appetite suppressant. Our blood is more than 90% water and carries oxygen to our body parts which helps to maintain our blood pressure. e sensation of thirst di- minishes as we age and with that comes the lack of nourish- ment for our bodies to function properly. A diminish in water intake for older adults can result in the kidneys being less effective at concentrating urine which leads to excess water loss. Medications can also be a factor in dehydration. Substan- tial dehydration can also cause confusion and damage to our organs. Let's face it water is not a habit for most because of the lack of flavor but I think that bottled water and flavors for enhancement have increased awareness. is is evident with the amount of people you see carrying a water bottle. e amount of water intake for adults can depend on a variety of factors including present health, climate and activity level. e suggested guideline for water intake is about fif- teen cups for men and eleven cups for women. 70% of adults report no daily consumption, 36% say one to three cups, 35% say four to seven cups and 22% say eight cups. Water sources do not primar- ily come in the form of H20. Vegetables and fruit can add to that daily intake nourish- ment. Fruit that is high in water content ranging up to 90% are watermelon, strawberries, peaches, Asian pears, blackber- ries, papayas, pineapple and oranges. Vegetables that carry a high-water content are cucum- bers, celery, zucchini, porto- bello mushrooms, cauliflower, turnips, tomatoes and bell pep- pers. Coffee and tea can cause a mild diuretic effect but not to an extreme and your body still absorbs a substantial por- tion of the liquid. Juice, sports drinks and broth also count as your daily hydration, and you can lower the sugar content by diluting with water. Drinking water can evolve into a habit and is viable for everyone regardless of age. Ways to improve water intake are drinking before and with a meal, during exercise, smaller quantities more often, add lemon or orange for flavor and keep your bottle visible. Drinking water is like giving your insides a shower. Stay hydrated my friends and grab a bottle or glass of H20. Stay hydrated my friends by CYNTHIA ROSS Members of the Fayetteville Church gave up a Saturday morn- ing recently to beautify the N.C. Veterans Park and the grounds of the Airborne and Special Operations Museum for Veteran's Day. More than 150 volunteers, armed with shovels, pitchforks, buckets and wheelbarrows, jumped in feet first to make their community better. "We were chatting about ways to serve our community," explained Ted Campagna, event organizer and a minister at the Fayetteville Church. "With Veteran's Day coming up, we thought it would be very appro- priate for us to help out and show our love and support for all the veterans in the Fayetteville area." And that's when a little divine intervention took over. "I have a friend who works for the Cumberland County Parks and Recreation and I went to talk to him about helping in some way," said Campagna, an army veteran. "I had actually gone to the Veterans Park to pray about what type of projects we should do before meeting with him. Once we got together, he said, 'I have just the project for you,' and it was at the Veterans Park. So, I think God ordained it and we followed His lead." A tractor trailer load of mulch was in need of being spread throughout the park. e motivated volunteers went to work hauling and spread- ing the mulch wherever they were directed to place it. "We were basically beautifying the area," said Campagna. "We have Vet- eran's Day just coming up and they had a tractor trailer load of mulch they needed spread. ey were short on staff, and we said no problem. We got you. It was a pleasure to work together." e theme of the day for the volunteers was to serve their com- munity. "We were out here trying to be like Jesus and serve our fellow man," said Frank Bailey, a member of the Fayetteville Church. "It felt great coming out on a beautiful morning with other men and women who want to make a dif- ference in the community and try to make it better." Bailey, who was out in the park with his wife and three teenage kids, felt it was important to set a great example. "Bringing your family out shows the next generation it's something you should do," explained Bailey. "Jesus was the ultimate servant and he called us not just to follow him but to imitate Him. at means living a life of service and making a difference. We live in an area with so many veterans and people who have sacrificed so much for our country. We need to always honor them." "As a veteran myself," said Cam- pagna. "It always went a long way when people said, 'ank you for your service' and showed their gratitude. at's one thing we need in our world is gratitude and that's what we were trying to do. To God be the glory, we were happy to serve." For more information about the Fayetteville Church, go to www. thefayettevillechurch.org. N.C. Veterans Park and ASOMF Spruced Up by Local Church by JOE CLARK FAITH JOE CLARK, WCLN 105.7. Comments? Editor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484- 6200. Ted Campagna, a minister at the Fayetteville Church and event organizer, leads a devotional at the N.C. Veterans Park for the volunteers prior to them beautif ying the park to get it ready for Veteran's Day, Oct. 23, 2021. (Photo by Joe Clark) Photo courtesy of Pexels