Up & Coming Weekly

November 09, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2021 UCW 15 FSO presents All About That Brass by ELAINA J. MARTIN Later this month, the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra will be pre- senting a special concert, About that Brass. ere is a great deal of music written for brass and the or- chestra is excited to show off their musicians during this program. "e orchestra is thrilled to fea- ture our tremendous brass section in this program of primarily origi- nal works written for brass dating as far back as the 1590s," Music Director, Stefan Sanders said. "ere will be 14 brass instruments (four trumpets, five French horns, four trombones and one tuba) and three percussionists performing on this program." e concert will take place at St. John's Episcopal Church. "We are grateful for the special relationship we have with the St. John's community," Sanders said. "e intimacy of St. John's is the perfect way for us to feature smaller ensembles from the or- chestra. We hope the audience will enjoy the variety of music on this program as well as the range and virtuosity of our world class musi- cians. We have such a great orches- tra right here in Fayetteville." All About at Brass showcases the brass and percussion sections of the FSO. e program features some of the very best repertoire written for brass and percussion, according to FSO website. Larry Wells became involved with FSO upon his arrival at Meth- odist University in the Fall of 2006. "e conductor of the FSO at that time, Fouad Fakhouri, liter- ally saw me in the hallway carry- ing my trumpet," Wells said. "'Ok... play something' he said. I stopped and rattled off several orchestral excerpts. 'Ok...you're in!' was his response. I've been playing with FSO ever since." "My background is a lot to digest," Wells said. "I have three college degrees and have been teaching for over 20 years. I've also been playing in various orchestras for roughly 30 years. Additionally, I used to build custom trumpets for the D.G. Monette Corp. On top of all that, I was the GM of a large youth orchestra in Portland, Or- egon. at experience has helped me here in that I am the music director of the Fayetteville Sym- phony Youth Orchestra." e concert on Nov. 20 is special because it features many works for brass spanning over 400 years of history. e antiphonal pieces of Gabrieli, circa 1600 A.D., were written for musicians at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, Italy. No less amazing are the pieces written by contemporary composers like Eric Ewazen. Other selected pieces include Samuel Barber's Mutations from Bach, Dmitri Shostakovich's Concertino, Op. 94 and Henri To- masi's Fanfare Liturgiques. "As for the audience," Wells said, "I first hope that they enjoy an evening of amazing music in an amazing place. I also hope they leave a bit more enlightened regarding the rich history of brass playing. Finally, I hope they can see the joy that this music brings to the musicians themselves. We have a very close-knit group of brass musicians in the FSO. ese types of events are a pleasure to produce. I'm very excited to hear the final result." All About at Brass will take place Saturday, Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church. e total concert run time is an hour and 15 minutes. EVENTS ELAINA J. MARTIN, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Members of the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra brass section perform at a concert. (Photo courtesy of the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra.) Inspiring, educating, empowering and celebrating women in our community

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