14 UCW NOVEMBER -28, 2021
Hoke GOP hosts barbecue
The Hoke County Republican
Party will be hosting a Veteran
Appreciation Freedom BBQ this
weekend that is geared around
veterans in the area.
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and
Congressman Dan Bishop will
be present at he event and they
will be speaking both to the
crowd and to veterans one-on-
one. Robinson served in the
U.S. Army Reserve from 1985 to
Hal Nunn, the Communi-
cations Director and former
Chairman of the Hoke County
Republican Party, says that this
event was inspired by Lt. Gov-
ernor Mark Robinson when he
made a remark last time he was
in Hoke County that he wanted
to speak directly to veterans.
He said that Chairman Da-
vid Frump and Vice Chairman
Chris Holland came up with the
idea of having a veterans ap-
preciation barbecue featuring
Robinson. They would host vet-
eran organizations and Fuller's
Old Fashioned BBQ would help
sponsor and provide the food.
Some of the veteran organiza-
tions that will be at the event to
provide information and ser-
vices to veterans include Veter-
ans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post
10, the American Legion and
Disabled American Veterans.
"For me personally, I'm a 20-
year army diasbled veteran, and
sometimes I think our veterans'
issues are overlooked," Nunn
said. "So I think the Lt. Gov.
coming to Raeford is wonderful
to talk directly to the veterans
and we will have all these vet-
eran organizations there so they
can get help if they need it."
Prior to the event, Nunn says
that Robinson will be at the
VFW Post 10 to talk with vet-
erans one-on-one without the
giant crowds.
This kind of opportunity to
speak with someone who can
not only listen, but also make a
change when it comes to vet-
erans issues in North Carolina
can be major for veterans, ac-
cording to Nunn.
Outside of the food and a
50/50 cash drawing, there will
also be live music from Bones-
Folk who will be performing
music from their recently re-
leased second album, Beautiful
Circle. BonesFolk is a band that
is made up entirely of former
Special Forces military veter-
The All-Veteran Parachute
Team will also be doing a
skydiving demonstration for
entertainment. But they won't
be the only ones jumping out of
the plane.
North Carolina Congressman
Ted Budd, former Congressman
and current Senate candidate
Mark Walker, and Senate can-
didate Jennifer Banwart will be
jumping out of the planes with
the skydivers.
Even with all the political
figures that will appear at the
event, Nunn says that politics
is not the purpose of the barbe-
"We don't want to make this
political," Nunn said.
"We want to thank our vets,
we want to help them and we
want to keep veteran issues in
the forefront."
The barbecue will take place
on Nov. 13 from 2 –5 p.m. at the
Raeford Airport.
While the event is free, they
ask for people to register ahead
of time for security purposes.
Over 200 people have reg-
istered to attend the event
so far, according to the Hoke
County Republican Party.
Registration can be found
at https://www.eventbrite.
HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor.
COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin-
gweekly.com. 910-484-6200.
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Photo courtesy of Pexels