Up & Coming Weekly

November 02, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 16 UCW NOVEMBER 3-9, 2021 Fort Bragg 10-Miler is back by HANNAH LEE e Fort Bragg 10-Miler event is officially kicking off this week after several cancellations over the last two years due to the pandemic. e run's goal is to encourage a healthy lifestyle not just among sol- diers, but with family and people outside of the military community as well. Jennifer Fayson, the Fort Bragg special events coordinator, said that they are excited to hold the event, especially since this run was initially canceled earlier this year and the All-American Marathon was canceled. "It's our first big event since 2019. You know, it's a fun event for the troops and for their family," Fayson said. "ey're able to go and par- ticipate in something fitness-wise and actually increase the morale of the base." One registrant who has already started training for the run is 2019's 10-Miler winner, Capt. Daniel Schlich. As of last week, Schlich was running laps at the Hedrick Stadium on base. "So starting about four or five months out, we run. I start out probably about 40 miles a week, get up to about 60 or 70 miles a week, running six days, seven days a week," Schlich said. Schlich says he is hoping to run the 10 miles within 52 minutes. In 2019, he ran the race at 52 minutes and 20 seconds. at means he av- eraged five minutes and 14 seconds for every mile. Fayson however says this race is open to everybody, not just the people with speed and a great run history. "We also have people with stroll- ers out here, people that bring their kids out here. So it's all ability levels," Fayson said. For those who are just starting, or may be interested in running the 10-miler for the first time, Schlich says that it's all about your mind- set. "I would say pacing is probably the biggest thing because most people, if you haven't ran too much or you haven't been running recently, you got kind of a race mindset. Everyone starts out really fast and you just go way too fast and burn yourself out. So you really have to pace yourself," Schlich said. e race will kick off on Nov. 6 at 8 a.m. Registration for the race closes, Nov. 5, 7 p.m. and there will be no race-day registration. So far, over 600 people have signed up for the race, but there is space for up to 1,500 people to register. "I'm eager to get back out there, run a race with other people," Schlich said. "Being able to have a crowd outside, you know, cheering you on to do your best." e race will start at Sports USA and runners will go down Long Street, go down Gruber Road, turn around and come back and finish. For those who just want to watch the event, there will be music and a 'finish fest' for those who finish the race. Fayson warns that roads will be closed for a majority of the day starting at 6 a.m., so people will be asked to park at the Womack Hospital parking lot and then walk over to the run site. Registration will include an event t-shirt, a finisher coin and a tab for a free beer. EVENTS Chili cook-off, kickball give back to military community by EMILY SUSSMAN Fayetteville's unique connection to the military and veterans is never more evident than during Heroes Homecoming. En- compassing a week of events focused on ser- vice members, veterans and families, Heroes Homecoming has been a staple in America's Hometown since 2011. is year is no exception. e event kicks off with the annual Fayetteville Veterans Day Parade, see page 15 for the full story. Once families have celebrated the heroes on Hay Street, there are several additional activities to enjoy through- out the area. For a few of these additional events folks can head out to Dirtbag Ales Brewing and Taproom. Dirtbag Ales is hosting a Kickball Tournament and registrations is $25, all of which will go to Mission 22. Mission 22 is a national community seeking to support services members, both active and veteran and their families, in dealing with mental health issues, raising awareness and help- ing to remember and honor service members and veterans. It is a cause close to our hearts, explained Shannon Loper, operations manager, Dirtbag Ales Brewery and Taproom. e brewery will also serve their Heroes Homecoming Pilsner. Dirtbag will donate a dollar of every pint of Heroes Homecoming Pilsner sold to Mission 22. In addition to the Kickball Tourna- ment, patrons can purchase tickets to the Hope Mills annual Chili Cook-Off. e event has been running for ap- proximately a decade but is celebrat- ing its third year at Dirtbag Ales. Previously held in October, the event is now in November due to indecisive North Carolina weather. "Depending on how fickle the weather can be, nobody wants to eat a bowl of chili when it's 80 degrees outside," president of the Hope Mills Chamber of Commerce, Casey Ferris explained.e cook-off is one of the chamber's biggest fundraisers, and this year they will be donating a por- tion of their proceed to the Veteran's Farm of North Carolina. VFNC's mission is to educate ser- vice members and veterans of all ages and eras on all aspects of agriculture. "VFCN allows veterans to become heroes in life for a second time by helping them transition into becom- ing the farmers for tomorrow," ac- cording to the VFCN website. Participation in the cook-off will cost contestants $25 and an 8-quart crockpot of chili. is year the chamber is encourag- ing festive and fun competition. "We want to make it a fun event," Ferris said. Chili consumers can purchase a chili flight, which will provide them with a selection of chili-filled shot glasses and a ticket to vote on their favorite. Taste-testers can buy tickets for $10 online or at the venue on the day of the event. Ferris said quite a few fun par- ticipants have already jumped in to compete. Competitors include, but are not limited to, the Hope Mills Fire Department, which will be serving up their "5 Alarm" chili, Fayetteville Tech- nical Community College's Culinary Arts, Napkins and 910Comedy, who will likely be heckling and roasting their competition. ere are cash prizes for first, sec- ond and third place, and any addi- tional chili left after votes are counted and tallied at 2 p.m. will be sold for $5 a bowl. ese events honor, celebrate, re- member and give back to the military and veteran community and pro- grams that support them. "We like the opportunity to give back and support our veterans," Ferris said. To participate in the Kickball Tournament, contact Dirtbag Ales at 910-426-2537. To sign up to compete in ($25) or eat at ($10) the Hope Mills Chili Cook- Off visit hopemillschamber.com/ chili-cookoff-2021. Additional information and com- petition rules and regulations are available on the Hope Mills Chamber of Commerce website. EMILY SUSSMAN, Editor. COMMENTS? editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200.

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