Up & Coming Weekly

October 12, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1418713

Contents of this Issue


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OCTOBER 13-19, 2021 UCW 45 Best of Fayetteville Zorba's Would like to thank our customers, friends and employees for making us WINNERS! 2919 Raeford Rd, Fayetteville 910.484.1010 3114 N. Main St., Hope Mills 910.424.3332 zorbasgyro.com TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BEST! 2021 2021 Advertising Grow Your Business For effective advertising, Call 910.484.6200 today! www.upandcomingweekly.com 3724 Sycamore Dairy Rd, Suite 100 ■ Fayetteville, NC 28303 ■ (910) 864-8100 ■ Fax: (910) 864-0174 ■ E-Mail: art@allegranc.com ■ www.allegranc.com Please proofread this copy and artwork carefully. after proofreading, if there are no changes and artwork is ready to move into production please sign and return this to us by one of the following options: Fax: 910.864.0174 Email: allegra-art@nc.rr.com Deliver: 3724 Sycamore Dairy Rd, Suite 100 • Fayetteville, NC expense incurred in the collection of this debt, including court cost attorney fees, will be the responsibility of the purchaser. "In signing below I assume responsibility for all prepress, graphic design, printing and bindery costs, as well as any costs for reprinting, which may be incurred due to any error which I may find after the job is printed." Approved, no changes. Approved, with changes. Provide New Proof _________________________________________________________________ Signature Date business cards scale: 20% qty: 1 each 4.5"x72" 23"x35" superiorbakerync.com 2433 Hope Mills Road•Fayetteville, NC 28304 (910) 424-4242 Superior Bakery was founded in 1956 by John S. Poulos, who immigrated to the United States from Greece in 1951. In 1958 John Married Kay Paliouras and together they grew Superior Bakery, moving from Raeford Road to the present location on Hope Mills Road in 1971. John and Kay retired in 1988. Superior Bakery remains in the family and is operated by their son Nicko Poulos. Life's too short...Eat Dessert First! 2021 CELEBRATING 65 SUCCESSFUL YEARS! Thank You for Voting Us BEST BAKERY John Poulos

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