Up & Coming Weekly

October 12, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1418713

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22 UCW OCTOBER 13-19, 2021 Best of Fayetteville FEATURE USO working to help veterans, spouses land post-military careers (StatePoint) Navigating the job market is tricky for any job seeker. For transitioning U.S. service mem- bers and military spouses, find- ing one's professional footing can be even more challenging. From frequent relocations and childcare considerations to bias on the part of potential employ- ers, transitioning service mem- bers and military spouses face many hurdles that can adversely impact their civilian careers. According to U.S. Government sources including the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs, an estimated 200,000-plus service members transition from the military to civilian life each year. Currently, 650,000-plus mili- tary spouses are in a state of transition. To improve their ca- reer prospects, advocates stress the importance of mentorship. "Military life teaches disci- pline, strong work ethic, team- work, communication skills and adaptability – all of which are highly valued by employers," says Christopher Plamp, senior vice president of operations, pro- grams and entertainment at the United Service Organizations. "is employment shortfall is not a reflection of a lack of talent, skill or drive. It's largely a matter of connecting the military com- munity with civilian job oppor- tunities." As part of its mission to strengthen America's military service members, the nonprofit USO recently partnered with Ve- terati, a digital mentorship plat- form for the military community, to launch the USO Mentorship offering. In a rapidly changing world where 80% of new jobs come from a personal connec- tion, this resource is networking transitioning service members and military spouses with volun- teer mentors in their industry of interest. ese mentors are success- ful professionals who provide critical career guidance on interviewing skills, career paths, personal branding and building a professional network. Within its Pathfinder Transi- tion Program, the USO also supports professional develop- ment in the military community, in addition to this mentorship offering. USO Transition Special- ists help create individualized plans focusing on employment, education, financial readiness and increased access to relevant veterans' benefits in their com- munities. e USO also hosts career-focused webinars and live workshops on topics such as mastering LinkedIn, building a federal resume and pursuing higher education. To learn more about military spouses, the military-civilian transition or how to volunteer as a Veterati mentor, visit uso.org/ mentorship. e military community faces numerous obstacles in fulfilling their career goals in the civilian workforce. However, new mentorship resources can help close the em- ployment opportunity gap. e USO is working to help service members and their spouses find professional employ- ment opportunities as they transition from the military. (Photo courtesy USO Photos) We're proud to continue our Best of Fayetteville Service! (910) 437-5959 • 894-E Elm St., Fayetteville, NC 28303 www.expresspros.com 2021 B E S T O F T H E B E S T 2021

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