Up & Coming Weekly

October 12, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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14 UCW OCTOBER 13-19, 2021 Best of Fayetteville NEWS Hudson, Crenshaw sponsor bill to coordinate federal emergency health response by MITCH KOKAI North Carolina's 8th District con- gressman is teaming up with a high- profile Texas counterpart to help sponsor a bill clarifying the federal government's response to health care emergencies. Rep. Richard Hudson and fellow Re- publican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas are working with two Democrats, Anna Eshoo of California and Paul Tonko of New York, on the Health Emergencies Are Literally Tenets of HHS, or HEALTH, Act. It's designed to streamline federal public health and medical emergency response through the U.S. Depart- ment of Health and Human Services. e legislation clarifies that "HHS, not subsidiary agencies, has the au- thority to lead the nation's public health and preparedness enterprise," according to a news release from Hudson's office. "e COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the need for streamlined leadership in our public health system," said Hudson in the release. "As a leader on ensuring our nation is pre- pared for the next pandemic, I am proud to introduce this bipartisan bill to ensure we have the appropriate leadership infrastruc- ture in place so timely, thoughtful, and effec- tive decisions can be made to protect, prepare for, and respond to national emergencies." Crenshaw explained his support for the measure. "We need a more streamlined and efficient decision-making process at the federal level when it comes to responding to public health emergencies," he said. "ere shouldn't be multiple federal agencies issuing different, sometimes conflicting orders that create confusion and chaos in an emergency. is bipartisan bill helps fix that and will provide for a better system to respond to public health challenges." Crenshaw attracts more public attention than the typical repre- sentative in the 435-member U.S. House, partly because of his eye patch. Crenshaw lost his right eye while serving as a Navy SEAL in Af- ghanistan in 2012. In 2018 Crenshaw appeared on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" to accept an apology from a cast member who had mocked the eye patch on air. Democrats run the U.S. House of Represen- tatives. With support from Eshoo and Tonko, the measure is likely to attract more attention than a bill supported by Hudson and Cren- shaw alone. U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas (Image ourtesy C-SPAN) MITCH KOKAI, Carolina Journal. COMMENTS? editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, R-8th District (Photo by Carolina Journal) Classes are available on FTCC's Fayetteville Campus, the Education Center, LEEM (Law Enforcement Emergency Management Training Center) in Spring Lake, and other locations throughout Cumberland County. Adult High School ASVAB Prep English as a Second Language GED®/HiSET® ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS Through College & Career Readiness Contact us today! • williara@faytechcc.edu • (910) 678-8498

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