Up & Coming Weekly

October 05, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 6-12, 2021 UCW 9 e National Parent Teacher Association recently designated Seventy-First High School and Stoney Point Elementary School as 2020- 2022 Schools of Excellence for their "commit- ment to building an inclusive and welcoming school-community." ey join nine other North Carolina schools and 351 schools nation- wide to be recognized as schools of excellence. e objective of the School of Excellence program is to encourage best practices for im- proving family engagement, building inclusive school communities and increasing local PTA participation. "We congratulate Seventy-First High School and Stoney Point Elementary School, along with their PTAs, for receiving this recognition," said Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr., superintendent of Cumberland County Schools. For more information about the National PTA School of Excellence program, visit the pro- gram's website. Emergency Management receives grant for damage assessment drone CSX Transportation has awarded Cumberland County Emergency Management a $5,000 Community Service Grant. e funds will partially offset the purchase of a damage assessment drone to enhance the county's ability to evaluate property damage in the wake of disasters. It will also help first responders with search and rescue operations. e drone's features include a thermal imag- ing camera, high visibility strobe light, and a loudspeaker for communicating instructions to victims or responders. "is drone will provide an additional way to support our community as well as our first responders before, during and after disasters," said Cumberland County Emergency Manage- ment Coordinator Garry Crumpler. "Our goal is to find new and innovative ways to respond to emergencies and improve the safety of our citizens." Emergency Services receives grant for smoke alarms In September, Cumberland County Emer- gency Services received a $4,989 grant from South River Electric Membership Corporation's Operation Round Up program. e funds will go towards smoke alarms which will be distrib- uted to residents for free in the county. Residents can request a smoke detector for their home by contacting the volunteer fire station in their district. To find the closest one, visit www.cumberlandcountync.gov/emer- gencyservices/fire-marshal and use the Fire Station Lookup tool, then call the station to schedule a day and time to have a smoke alarm installed. "We're so grateful for this grant which will allow us to get about 350 additional smoke alarms," said Fire Marshal Kevin Lowther. "Emergency Services is planning to canvass various neighborhoods within the county to ensure residents can have a smoke alarm." McLIT returns to Sweet Tea Shakespeare Sweet Tea Shakespeare, a theatre and music company in Fayetteville, continues their rau- cous take on drunk Shakespeare, the LIT series, this October. "McLIT" is a stripped-down ver- sion of Shakespeare's famous tragedy of mur- der, guilt and rebellion combined with improv, games and a pub-like atmosphere. "McLIT" will visit a variety of venues includ- ing Hugger Mugger Brewing in Sanford, and the Church at Paddy's Irish Pub in Fayetteville. "McLIT" imagines the writer, director and actors of Macbeth know the story they want to tell, but get lost at a frat party on their way to the show. Performances feature live music, drinking games and a lot of heart. LIT performances are recommended for adults 18 and up only. "McLIT" performs Oct. 16 and 23 at Paddy's Irish Pub, and Oct. 22 and Nov. 12 at Hugger Mugger Brewing. All events start at 7:15 p.m. Sweet Tea Shakespeare's 2021-2022 season is possible due to a generous grant from the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County. Additional season partners include the Capi- tol Encore Academy, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex, Paris & Potter Management and Napkins. General Admission Advance tickets for McLIT are $20; seniors/military advance tickets are $18; student Advance tickets are $10. All tickets at the door are $25. Tickets can be pur- chased at sweetteashakespeare.com/tickets/. Call the Sweet Tea Shakespeare Box Office 910-420-4383 or email tickets@sweetteashake- speare.com for more information about up- coming shows. Trolley cars are coming to Fayetteville e Cool Spring Downtown District and Coldwell Banker Advantage are bringing a new ride to the streets of downtown Fayetteville. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Bianca Shone- man, CEO and president of the Cool Spring Downtown District, approached Ralph Huff, founder of H & H Homes and co-owner of Coldwell Banker Advantage, with an idea to bring trolleys to downtown Fayetteville. "I told her it was a fabulous idea and that I would be interested in helping," Huff said. ree months ago, once restrictions started to loosen, Shoneman revisited the trolley idea. Two 2004 "Molley Trolleys" have been selected. ey have 36-person seating capacities, Cum- mins diesel engines, wooden benches, internal PA system, Shoneman said. "One of the trolleys is wheel-chair accessible." e Cool Spring Downtown District will be responsible for scheduling, operating and maintaining the trolleys. e trolleys began test runs Sept. 24 to gain input on routes and scheduling. National Parent Teacher Association recognizes local schools by JEFF THOMPSON NEWS DIGEST JEFF THOMPSON, Reporter. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. Photo courtesy www.facebook.com/downtownfayetteville/

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