Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1417018
WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 6-12, 2021 UCW 5 OPINION "A President's greatest responsibility is to protect all our people from enemies, foreign and domestic. Here at home the worst enemy we face is economic — the creeping erosion of the Ameri- can way of life and the American dream that has resulted in today's tragedy of economic stagnation and unemployment." President Ronald Reagan said these words in 1982. However, they ring as true today as ever before. As the crisis on our southern border wors- ens and inflation reaches new highs, last week Washington liberals ignored these problems and continued their reckless spending spree. e House passed legislation which would once again raise the debt ceiling in order to pay for their $3.5 trillion liberal wish list. Keeping our government open is critical. However, I opposed this move to allow more debt. Democrats — who control the House, Senate and White House and who have spent trillions already this year — should not have a blank check to recklessly spend even more of your tax dollars. eir bill will raise taxes on ev- eryone, give the federal government more control over your life from the cradle to the grave, and only make our inflation crisis worse. Despite this, their bill did have one good provi- sion — funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system. However, Washington Demo- crats caved to racist, anti-Semitic factions and stripped this funding from the bill. Later that day, we forced a second vote to approve the funding for Israel. Once again, radical, racist Democrats opposed it. America should always stand with Israel at ev- ery opportunity. Failing to do so is shameful and our allies, as well as our adversaries, are watching. As threats increase around the world, I was glad the House was able to come together and pass our nation's bipartisan annual defense bill last week. is year's National Defense Authorization Act is not perfect. But I was proud to support this bill which included much needed funding for Fort Bragg and our men and women in the military. Overall, it provides a 2.7% pay increase for ser- vicemembers and reverses dangerous cuts to our military proposed by President Biden. It also adds resources to secure our border, holds the Biden administration accountable for its withdrawal from Afghanistan, and protects servicemembers' personal liberties. I am especially proud that the bill includes pro- visions I have worked on throughout the year. For Fort Bragg, $27 million was included for needed construction projects on the base. For military families, my bill to expand and improve educa- tion funding was included. I also championed included provisions to increase PFAS testing on bases, combat sexual assault in the military, and modernize the Basic Allowance for Housing. ere are several provisions in the bill I am con- cerned about, including red flag laws that threaten the Second Amendment rights of servicemem- bers. However like last year, I will now work to en- sure these provisions are removed as negotiations continue between the House and Senate. I will never waiver from my commitment to support our troops, their families, and our vet- erans. e NDAA is an example that we can still come together and solve problems for our nation. Now we must do the same on issues like growing our economy, supporting our allies like Israel, and ending the crisis on our border. I will stay focused on common sense solutions on behalf of you and your family. Congressman calls for fiscal responsibility, support for troops by REP. RICHARD HUDSON REP. RICHARD HUDSON, R-N.C. COMMENTS? Editor@ upandcomingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. the latest in car wash innovation with memberships BEST CAR WASH starting at just $ 20 per month 3505 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 Thank you fayetteville and cumberland county for making 5 star express your #1 car wash 910-758-8700 2106 Skibo Road Fayetteville NC 28314 910-600-7930 wash5star.com @wash5star FREE VACUUMS 2021