Up & Coming Weekly

October 05, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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OCTOBER 6-12, 2021 UCW 19 Best of Fayetteville 4901 Morganton Rd. - NEXT TO CROSS CREEK MALL Monday thru Friday, 10 to 9 Saturday, 10 to 7 Closed Every Sunday vwww.bullardfurniture.com ank You For Making Your #1 Furniture Store! 864-5533 Again! 2021 NEWS Former Commissioner inducted into NCACC Hall of Fame a STAFF REPORT Former Cumberland Coun- ty Commissioner Virginia Thompson Oliver was hon- ored with the North Carolina Association of County Com- missioners (NCACC) Hall of Fame Award on Aug. 14. The honor recognized Oli- ver for her outstanding lead- ership as the association's first female president. She served as the NCACC presi- dent from 1985-1986. "Part of what makes our organization so strong is we remember our past and par- ticularly those leaders who came before us who make a difference. During the past year we have experienced many firsts and realize how important it is to take a mo- ment and reflect on other firsts that matter to us," said Kevin Leonard, NCACC Ex- ecutive Director. Oliver was the first woman elected as a commissioner in Cumberland County. She was appointed as a commissioner in 1978 fol- lowing the untimely death of her husband, Larry Thomp- son, who was serving as a Cumberland County com- missioner. She was encouraged to complete her husband's term and she accepted the ap- pointment. She then ran for office and was elected to the position three additional terms. She was also the first woman to serve as chairman of the Board of Commissioners. "She is known to have been instrumental in the devel- opment of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, the county library and the merger of the city and county school sys- tems in Cumberland County," Leonard said during the association's annual confer- ence held in Wilmington. Oliver was unable to attend the banquet and Cumberland County Vice Chairman Glenn Adams accepted the award on her behalf. He made a brief presenta- tion to the Board of Commis- sioners Aug. 16 during their regular board meeting about the honor. "This a remark- able honor for one of our own and we are very proud of former Commissioner Virgin- ia Thompson Oliver," Adams said. The North Carolina As- sociation of County Com- missioners is a non-partisan organization representing the official voice of all 100 coun- ties on issues considered by the General Assembly, Con- gress and federal and state agencies. The Association provides expertise to counties in the areas of advocacy, research, risk management and educa- tion and leadership training. Cumberland County Vice Chairman Glenn Adams, right, accepts the NCACC Hall of Fame Award on behalf of former Commissioner Virginia ompson Oliver on Aug. 14 from out- going NCACC President Commissioner Ronnie Smith of Martin County. Virginia ompson Oliver

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