Primary Care
60 Convenient Locations
Same-day or next-day
appointments may be
Offices located in
Cumberland, Hoke,
Bladen, Robeson and
Harnett Counties
Walk-in ExpressCare
Open 7 Days a Week
Including ALL Holidays
No appointment necessary
Offices located in
Cumberland, Bladen and
Robeson Counties
Emergency Department
Open 24/7
365 Days a Year
Call 911 in an Emergency
Located in Cumberland,
Hoke and Bladen Counties
Pediatric ED located at Cape
Fear Valley Medical Center
for 18 & Under
Open 7 Days a Week
4 Convenient Locations
Prescriptions usually
ready in 15 minutes or
All major prescription
drug plans accepted,
including Medicaid and
Medicare Part D.
Seeking healthcare for your family? Cape Fear Valley Health is committed
to your family's health, offering a wide scope of services.
When health challenges arise, know where to go to get the treatment you need.
The Joint
in 11 areas
when you need us... we're right here.