Desert Messenger

June 12, 2013

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N�� �� ��� 9th YEAR! Wednesday, ���� 12, 2013 VOL. 9 #176 www.DesertMessenger .com • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 541-218-2560 Stagecoach Motel reopens with new owners ����� | S���� B���C�� By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - After almost a decade of sitting vacant, Stubby and Carol Callison have opened the Stagecoach Motel, located at 904 W. Main Street. The neglected building was once a thriving motel and restaurant. The Callisons remodeled the 10 rooms and opened for business May 31st. The couple plans to reopen the restaurant in September. The motel and restaurant were constructed in the early 80's. The second story of the motel was built in 1987. The Callisons replaced carpet, painted every room, replaced fixtures, but kept the classic feel of the 80's. Stubby Callison said, "It's not the Taj Majal, but it's fresh and clean with really large rooms." The restaurant will seat over 140 customers, including a meeting room in the rear with a seperate entrance for private parties or meetings. The extra large motel rooms rent for $49, $59, & $69 per night. For more information, call the Stagecoach Motel at 928-927-8161. Feds approve Quartzsite Solar Energy Project By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear June 3rd U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced the approval of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Quartzsite Solar Energy Project located in La Paz County, Ariz. With this authorization, SolarReserve, a U.S. developer of large-scale solar power projects, is proceeding with the development of its 100 megawatt project, located on Bureau of Land (BLM) managed land. The Quartzsite Project will be utilizing SolarReserve's concentrated solar power (CSP) technology with integrated storage which allows the facility to operate like a conventional power plant, but without the environmental damage from emissions and waste. The 100-megawatt Quartzsite Solar Project in Arizona project will be situated on 1,600 acres of Interior's Bureau of Land Management administered lands. The facility will be located about 10 miles north of Quartzsite, just a few miles north of Plomosa Rd. and will generate enough electricity to meet the needs of an estimated 30,000 homes. The solar farm will use dry-cooling technology to mini- Solar Tower Project QUARTZSITE SEE SOLAR PAGE 22 4th of July celebration planned By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ The Annual 4th of July celebrations are being planned by Yesenia Jackson at Quartzsite Recreation Department.It should be another very successful event. Quartzsite Fire Dept. will again provide a spectacular fireworks display. Organizations are being asked to join the fun with. Returning this year will be the popular "Frozen T-Shirt Contest", along with games and water fun for the kids. Organizers are seeking clubs, churches & organizations who would like to set up and sell food, drinks, desserts, etc. If you your organization would like to be a part of the celebration, please call Town Hall at 928-927-4333 and ask for Yesenia. The annual celebration will start at 6 pm with the activities and food with fireworks show and tribute will taking place at dark. WHAT'S INSIDE 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 15 18 20 22 23 Mary Scott Operation Hero Editorial Letters to Editor Around Town Grad photos Restaurants Adventures with Rocks Voices from the Past Churches Puzzles Paul Winer Comic Classifieds

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