Theta Xi - Bradley University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi at Bradley University

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THE TAXI NEWS ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER OF THETA XI • BRADLEY UNIVERSITY SPRING 2021 T he brothers and alumni of Theta Xi continue to amaze me. Eighteen months ago, I was afraid that we agreed to do a feasibility study that could fail. Not only did we NOT fail, but we had an extraordinary kick-start to our campaign. We started in July 2019 with $135,000 and we ended 2020 at $203,000 in the scholarship endowments, after paying all campaign expenses. The matching challenge organized by Tim Bender '82 was a very big part of this success. The men from Tim's era donated $20,862 and Tim matched this with $20,900 for a total of $41,762. What's more, we also started a memorial scholarship fund in the name of one of our fallen brothers, Gary Gleespen '01, for $20,000 to benefit new initiates with good GPAs. Thank you! We are cruising toward our goal despite the pandemic. Our signed pledges are more than $440,000, so if you are dragging your feet because you don't think you can make a large gift—don't! Even if it's $18.64 per month, that will go a long way toward helping Alpha Sigma reach its $500,000 goal. Please consider making a pledge or one-time gift by using the enclosed pledge card or online at sigma. Like one of my friends, Sean Fagan '05, used to say, "Many hands make light work." There is one group of brothers that has truly shocked and amazed me: the men that have graduated since 2010. When grouped by decade, they are the alumni group with the second-highest gift amount, at about $60,000! Why is this amazing? Two reasons. Most of them graduate with large student loan payments that are eye-popping, as they are often greater than $1,000 per month. The second reason is that it's a testament to the current chapter experience being outstanding, and what the young generation wants and values going forward. Regarding the renovation projects, the plan is to renovate the chapter room overlooking Fredonia this summer and purchase dining tables and chairs. Then next summer, we plan to renovate the kitchen, hire a chef, and start a Theta Xi meal plan in the fall of 2022. As we look forward to these exciting updates, please save the date for a virtual toast on Zoom at 8 p.m. central time on April 29. Be on the lookout for an email blast with the Zoom link and more event details. While we actively monitor the pandemic and Bradley's COVID- 19 prevention guidelines, we will also keep you posted about the tentatively scheduled reunion weekend on May 1. I can't wait to see you soon and, as always, feel free to reach out with any questions. Yours in the Bonds, Craig Janus '00 Campaign Board Chairman (314) 435-4495 | Many Hands Make Light Work Make Your Contribution to the Capital Campaign Today! W hether it was meeting the men of Alpha Sigma as a freshman or showcasing Theta Xi to potential new members the following three years, Steve Smith '92 loved every minute of recruitment. However, as Steve has been helping his second child find a college home, he's been reminded how overwhelmed he felt before he was welcomed at Theta Xi. Steve wants prospective fraternity men at Bradley to have that same comforting feeling he had when he found his home away from home at Alpha Sigma. By contributing to the Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future capital campaign, Steve is once again showing what Alpha Sigma is all about. "When Chuck Kocian '94 and Craig Janus '00 contacted me and shared all the great things going on to help the brothers and the house, I knew I wanted to be a part of this," Steve said. "It keeps me connected and provides a way to give back to something that's given so much to me." Transforming More Lives at Theta Xi Steve Smith '92 Shows What Alpha Sigma Means to Him by Giving to the Capital Campaign (Continued on page 2) "When Chuck Kocian '94 and Craig Janus '00 contacted me and shared all the great things going on to help the brothers and the house, I knew I wanted to help be a part of this. It keeps me connected and provides me a way to give back to something that's given so much to me." Steve Smith '92 and his wife with their daughter, Josie, and sons, Charlie and Alex.

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