The Mason
Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina
Volume 146 Number 1 Oxford, North Carolina January/February 2021
■ see RUN, page 2
…and for charity, too!
Christopher Fundanish, Raleigh #500 (second from left) and four friends ran 3.1 miles in 24:37 on Nov. 4
Virtual fundraiser nets nearly $2K for Masonic charities
By Beth Grace
Mason Editor
Let's face it. Life has been rough lately.
e news, the weather, the pandemic have
hit us all and wrapped us up in more than
our fair share of gloom.
We can't do much about all of that. We
can stay home, wear masks of many colors,
watch every show on Netflix and Prime,
and Zoom until we simply can't bear one
more Zoom call.
But we need more.
Fun. at's it. at's what's been missing.
For most Freemasons, fun is critical to
the Craft. Good works and good men need
a good laugh every now and then. Which
brings us to the Grand Master's Fun Run.
If you missed it, you missed out. Masons
and their friends – and families, brothers,
sisters, and even their dogs teamed to be
part of the first virtual statewide fundraiser
ever offered by Masons in North Carolina.
All you had to do was enter, make a run,
document it with a fun photo of your feet
or watch or even yourself, and share why
you ran. For an entry fee of $20, brethren
and their friends got a chance to make a