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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Wreaths Across America 4 BLM Camping areas 5 Council Meeting Recap 6 Editorial 6 QPD Chief Ponce Letter 7 The Salvation Army updates 8 Is your $ bill fake? 8 Vaccine program 9 Restaurants 9 75+ approved for vaccines 10 GVWC Salome 11 Food Bank updates 12 Coronavirus updates 21 HerbMama 21 Christmas Lights sparkle 22 Around Town 23 La Paz Co. vaccine updates 24 Prop 207 for employers 25 Sites to see 26 AA Meetings 26 Churches 27 Classifeds 27 Paul Winer's Cartoon 30 Elizabeth Lauder dies 31 88 Shades RV Park contest • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, January 6, 2021 VOL. 17 # 333 Now in our 1 7 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! January 6 SEE CLOSURES PAGE 5 Coronavirus closures and cancellations Chamber provides Free Buttons On Monday, January 4, 2021, Ar- izona jumped to the worst in the world in 7-day-average for new cases, normalized by population. Arizona had the 4th highest per- cent increase of #COVID19 cases since last week,(+52.3%) as well as the highest largest per capita raw increase (+42). COVID-19 cases are surging in La Paz County. This has caused some changes in Quartzsite. The Town of Quartzsite closed the Quartzsite Community Center and Library on 12/31/20 and will remain closed until further notice in an effort to reduce the transmission of CO- VID-19. For more information, visit or call 928-927-4333. Due to COVID-19 exposures, the Quartzsite Senior Center will be closed until Jan. 10. All activi- ties, programs and meeting areas are closed to the public and will resume on Monday, January 11, 2021. The Board of directors held an emergency meeting Sunday, Dec. 27 via phone after learning of multiple positive cases among the membership. The Senior Cen- ter hosted a Christmas Day Din- ner followed by Saturday night Bingo. Information about how many volunteers were exposed or had positive tests, was not im- mediately available. Quartzsite's Annual Hi Jolly Daze Parade scheduled for January 9, 2021 will not be happening. Quartzsite Area Chamber of Com- merce & Tourism announced the annual event would be cancelled due to complications of COVID- 19. With recent surges in corona- virus cases in the county, the or- ganizing committee has concerns regarding the pandemic and the unknowns of what impacts the vi- rus may have going forward.Orga- nizers ultimately decided it was in the community's best interest to postpone the parade until Janu- ary 8th, 2022 and limit the spread of coronavirus. As of now, all Quartzsite shows are planning on moving forward. If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to some- one with COVID-19 you can con- tact La Paz County Health Dept. 928-669-1100. If you are having COVID-19/Coronavirus symp- toms you can fi ll out LPRH online form at: https://secure.fastcom- Or call: La Paz Regional Hospital 669-9201. They're here! 5,000 "I Pledge to be COVID-19 Safe" Buttons have arrived in Quartzsite! The Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism, along with local businesses, will be distribut- ing the buttons for free! Thanks to our sponsors Horizon Community Bank, Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show, Desert Gardens International Rock, Gem & Mineral Show, RV Day/Night Shade Repair and in- dividual donors, the buttons are a fun way to remind residents and visitors to wear a face covering while out in public. And it's a cute collector's item, too. But seriously, with so many out- of-town visitors arriving for the big shows, organizers felt the need to do something "Quartzsite style." So grab a free button and wear it to show you pledge to be COVID-19 safe in public! And to protect yourself, protect others, and protect the Quartzsite com- munity. Pick up extras to share with your friends. Located at 1240 W. Main St., the Chamber is open 10am-2pm Wednesday thru Sat- urday. Please call 928-927-5200 if you need large quantities.