Up & Coming Weekly

December 01, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM DECEMBER 2-8, 2020 UCW 7 JUN 16 JUN 27 U P C O M I N G E V E N T S 225 RAY AVE. SUITE 165, FAYETTEVILLE (910) 483-8133 | FAYBIZ.COM JUN 30 D E C 3 Virtual Speed Networking 1:00 PM Register Online Space is limited D E C 9 Government Affairs Open Meeting 4:00 PM Register Online Space is limited D E C 10 Virtual Chairman's Coffee Club 11:00 AM Register Online FAYETTEVILLE, NC – With the election of new Officers to the Board of the Greater Fayetteville Chamber, I have transitioned out as Chairman. The new leadership will guide our dynamic Chamber through this time of transition into 2021. I have led the Greater Fayetteville Chamber for two very rewarding years at the helm of a guiding Board of Directors who set the plan of work. And together, with a committed staff, enthusiastic volunteers and the support of our membership, we carry it out. There are countless other partners at the state, local and federal levels, who support us and enable us to work on your behalf. Yes, the Chamber offers networking, training, marketing, exposure to new clients and customers, and many other things you would expect, and will continue to do so. But your Chamber is so much more…. It has been here for 121 years and it will remain the stalwart advocate for community and quality of life. In the last two years we have supported and will now be taking on the Building Business Rally event started by PWC to open up contracting opportunities to local businesses. We co-hosted training programs with the Small Business Development Center and the Small Business Technical Development Center. We hosted the Brian Hamilton Foundation's Inmates to Entrepreneurs program and are now offering financial literacy courses free of charge through a grant from the City of Fayetteville. The year 2020 has been a particularly difficult one for our community and especially for business. Greater Fayetteville Chamber recognizes and understands the challenges facing our members. We have pivoted where possible to offer member benefits digitally while advocating on behalf of our over 700 members. We will continue focusing on our mission of providing unparalleled support for our members, working in partnership to take the lead in improving Fayetteville/Cumberland County's business prosperity, business future and quality of life. Jerome Scott, The Insurance Guy With years of experience in the insurance industry, Jerome Scott has been providing service to North Carolina for over thirty years. He is often called the Insurance Guy by his friends and clients because his background in the insurance industry is quite extensive. Jerome not only provides needed coverage in the community but he actively serves on many local boards as well. A LET TER FROM THE OUTGOING CHAIRMAN JEROME SCOT T, OUTGOING CHAIRMAN - GREATER FAYET TEVILLE CHAMBER

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