Up & Coming Weekly

December 01, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1313890

Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM DECEMBER 2-8, 2020 UCW 23 www.upandcomingweekly.com standing strong. Standing together. Supporting local businesses. Show your love for our community! Supporting local businesses today leads to a better tomorrow! COMMUNITY STRONG! WE ARE OPEN! Fleishman's Tiny Town 3015 Ft. Bragg Rd. 910-323-1991 Superior Bakery 2433 Hope Mills Rd. 910-424-4242 Bombay Bistro 5945 Cliffdale Rd. 910-487-0020 Andy Anderson Moving 1517 Hope Mills Rd. 910-630-6683 Evolution Ink 5924 Cliffdale Rd. 910-323-2243 Carolina Specialties International 525 Gillespie St. 910-323-0718 Animal Hospital of Fayetteville 3109 Ft. Bragg Rd. 910-323-1535 Intimony at The Vine 806 Katie St. 910-584-9892 Rhudy's Jewelry 2410 Murchison Rd. 910-488-7571 Wade Hardin Plumbing 2520 Gillespie St. 910-486-0334 Zorba's 2919 Raeford Rd. 910-484-1010 Gill Security 818 Ramsey St. 910-433-2868

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