Up & Coming Weekly

December 01, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM DECEMBER 2-8, 2020 UCW 19 WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Schemes Two men have been arrested on suspicion of conning an unnamed doctor in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh into paying $41,600 for an "Aladdin's lamp" that the sellers promised would bring him "wealth, health and good fortune." The two con artists even conspired to con- jure a genie from the lamp, which turned out to be one of the men, to convince the doctor of its authen- ticity, the BBC reported. According to local police, the con men had duped other families in the same way. Bright Ideas In September, police in Ceske Budejovice in the Czech Republic, where a 9 p.m. curfew has been im- posed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, came upon a man pull- ing a toy plush dog behind him late at night in the town's center, Idnes. cz reported. "I'm walking a dog here. I'm not doing anything illegal here," the man told officers. Walk- ing a dog is permitted after curfew, but the police gave him a warning and sent him and his "pet" on their way. Awesome! A couple hiking in Ingersheim in northeastern France in September came across a tiny aluminum cap- sule that turned out to contain a message in German dropped by a carrier pigeon 110 years ago, CNN reported. Curator Dominique Jardy at the nearby Linge Memorial mu- seum, dedicated to a battle between French and German forces in 1915, determined the message was sent from one German officer to anoth- er, detailing military exercises tak- ing place in the area. The find, Jardy said, "is really very, very, very rare," and the message will go on display at the museum. Wrong Place, Wrong Time Motorists in Woodbury County, Iowa, started alerting State Conser- vation Officer Steve Griebel on Nov. 9 that hundreds of ducks had been killed after mistaking wet roads for wetlands, KCRG reported. The ducks, including bluebills, mal- lards, buffleheads and teal, were migrating south and landed on the wet pavement in parking lots and on highways, where the next day Griebel said he counted more than 200 that had been hit by unwitting drivers. Question: We are binge-watching "Schitt's Creek." I am 79 years old, and this show is nothing like my generation is supposed to enjoy. Well, I'm truly loving it. Please tell me there will be more. — Lois Matt Roush: When you get to the end of the sixth season, which pulled off that historic Emmy sweep, that's all there is. It was announced well in advance that this would be the final season, and once you see it, you'll know why. Even when you're left wanting more, there are few things more satisfying than a show going out on a creative high To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com. By Damian Holbrook Cheers to Finola Hughes for surviving 35 years of soap opera spydom. We've been head over heels for Hughes' mix of Brit wit and badassery since she arrived on ABC's "General Hospital" as WSB secret agent Anna Devane. Clearly the GH team is too, since they recently revived Anna's evil twin, Alex, for a double dose of awesomeness. Cheers to Ashley Park for making us high on "Emily in Paris." As Mindy, the sweetly no- nonsense nanny who befriends American transplant Emily (Lily Collins) in Netflix's rom-com series, the Broadway vet is more effervescent and intoxicating than the best Champagne. Jeers to "e Vow" for breaking its promise. We committed to HBO's miniseries about the downfall of the NXIVM sex cult because it was only nine (drawn-out) episodes. Now, viewers will have to wait for Season 2 to see what really hap- pens with jailed "guru" Keith Raniere. Jeers to NBC for pulling the plug on "Connecting." With its fascinat- ing cast of quarantining friends and a deft balance of pathos and quirk, this prematurely axed pan- demic comedy was one of the only things that's made Zoom tolerable this year. ARIES - March 21/April 20 is week you feel more energized and ready to hit the ground running with a special project at work. It's also a great time to do something for yourself. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 A couple of days this week you may need to roll over and catch a couple extra minutes with your head on the pillow. Being extra tired may indicate you need to scale back. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 A social butterfly, you are eager to socialize this week. Figure out a day when a few friends are available to get together and catch up. CANCER - June 22/July 22 Cancer, it is essential to practice self-care; oth - erwise, you easily can run yourself ragged. Put yourself ahead of others sometime this week, even if it feels indulgent. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 Leo, take an opportunity to share your big heart with someone who may need an extra emotional boost. Spend some quality time with this individual. VIRGO - Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Virgo, you are eager to get caught up in all the details. is can keep you on track and orderly, but you may miss some spontaneity if you're always following the rules. LIBR A - Sept. 23/Oct. 23 Relationships are inportant to you, Libra. You may be eager to develop some new friendships. ink about pursuing new hobbies or interests. SCORPIO - Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Scorpio, ever yone around you knows if they put you in charge you will get the job done success- fully. But others may not be in tune with who you are, so open up a little bit. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23/Dec. 21 Sagittarius, you are always eager to learn new things. is week take time to explore the world around you and pick up some facts along the way. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22/Jan. 20 It can be challenging to find a balance between giving your all at work and enjoying your personal life. at's because you're such a hard worker. Devote more time to home. AQUARIUS - Jan. 21/Feb. 18 e smallest steps can lead to the greatest results, Aquarius. Don't discount any strides you make in the direction of success. You will get there eventually. PISCES - Feb. 19/March 20 Be mindful of where your dollars are going, Pisces. is will help you strike a greater balance between spending and saving. Kidsville News! Kidsville News! is online!

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