Up & Coming Weekly

December 01, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM DECEMBER 2-8, 2020 UCW 11 e First Baptist Church will host its annual "Christmas Day of Love" on Dec. 5 from noon to 2 p.m. to pass out free gro- ceries and serve hot meals to members of the community. Volunteers from the church will also provide a bag of non- perishable grocery items, said Rev. Fredrick Culbreth. e items are ones that can be prepared in a kitchen or con- sumed without preparation, if a person is homeless. Culbreth said the hot meal provided will include tur- key, ham, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, bread and more. e food was donated and/ or collected by members of the congregation and Second Harvest Food Bank. e church members and volunteers will be observing COVID-19 precautions like social distancing, wearing a mask and gloves. ey will also provide masks to visitors who do not have them. "When they come through, we will first give them their hot meal in a to-go container, and then hand them the smaller grocery bags, so they can carry those out," Culbreth said. "If it's a nice day, we'll set up out- side and, if not, then inside our gym and only bring in five peo- ple at time, we'll serve them, and make sure they go in one way and exit out another." e "Christmas Day of Love" is the last major mission event the church has scheduled for this calendar year. Culbreth said they usually do their last give-away during the holiday season before members get too busy or go out of town. "is is an annual event, and there's people in the commu- nity that know about it and look forward to it," he said. e church hosts many food give-aways and other events throughout the year, other mis- sions include serving meals to first responders and such. Culbreth said it is important to keep hosting these events while dealing with the pan- demic and First Baptist is determined to continue such events. "Just because COVID is here doesn't mean there's any less people in need, actually there are more people in need," he said. e Church is hoping to reach between 200 and 250 families with the "Christmas Day of Love" event. "We just wanted to let the community know that we've been thinking about them," Culbreth said. For more information on First Baptist Church located at 302 Moore St. in Fayetteville, visit www.1st-baptist.com. KEYURI PARAB, Editorial Assistant COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com 910-484-6200. EVENT First Baptist food give-away set for Dec. 5 by KEYURI PARAB Volunteers from the First Baptist Church in Fayetteville work to prepare last year's "Christmas Day of Love" food give-away. e 2020 event will take place on Dec. 5 with chruch members offering a hot meal and a take-away bag of groceries. (Photo courtesy First Baptist Church) Medicare has changed. Find out how it can affect you. We are not connected with, nor endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare Program. I understand I have no obligation when an agent contacts me to answer my questions about insurance. Premiums can change if all policies of the same form and class in your state are changed. Plan F, Plan G, High Deductible Plan F and High Deductible Plan G premiums based on attained age will also change each year on or after your birthday. L030NC, L035NC, L036NC, L037NC, L038NC, F001, F002 6248_C Important changes to the federal Medicare program became effective at the beginning of the year. As a result, retirees in your state may be eligible for coverage with new options. Find out if you qualify for Medicare Supplement insurance from Physicians Life Insurance Company that can help limit your out-of-pocket expenses. Get the facts that matter to you: • Critical dates for Medicare eligibility • Options that can help keep more money in your pocket • Medicare benefits many retirees may not be aware of For FREE information, call: 1-855-502-3366 or visit MedSupBenefit.com/upcoming

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