Desert Messenger

October 07, 2020

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2 October 7, 2020 DO YOU HAVE EXPIRED OR UNUSED MEDICATIONS? DUMP THE DRUGS at QPD! Dispose safely at QUARTZSITE POLICE DEPT. Mon - Fri. 8am-5pm 305 N. Plymouth, Quartzsite 928-927-4644 Space donated by Desert Messenger Cibola Farmer's Bridge detour 20 BWRC Wed Oct 07, DM.indd 1 9/29/2020 10:51:56 AM After an inspection earlier this month, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has sched- uled a full closure of the Farmer's Bridge near the community of Ci- bola, AZ starting Thursday, Octo- ber 1st. Completion date is not set, but construction will last for many months. Traffi c will be detoured on CA HWY 78 to Oxbow Bridge, for both northbound and southbound. This detour will be 3.5 miles southeast of Farmer's Bridge. Please observe any signs and staff throughout the area. The scope of the project will include the following: Removing the replacing the exist- ing bridge railing and roadway ap- proach to meet current design stan- dards. Constructing new concrete end blocks at the ends of the bridge rail- ings to provide a connection point for the new roadway guardrail. Constructing two catch basins and a storm drain pipe on River Road north of the bridge. Constructing new wingwalls at the bridge abutments and repairing erosion of the abutment slopes. Reconstructing the existing bridge roadway approaches to convey run- off away from the bridge abutments. Overlaying the existing bridge deck with a polymer epoxy bridge deck overlay. Installing steel decking along one edge of the third span's existing steel pipe grate deck to enable pedestrian crossings of the bridge. Installing a temporary contain- ment system on Farmers' Bridge that will prevent falling debris and construction materials from con- taminating the Colorado River dur- ing project construction. Removing and replacing exist- ing roadway signage, and installing new temporary and permanent sig- nage as needed. La Paz County apologized for any inconvenience during this closure and appreciates your cooperation! Christmas Light Parade set for Dec. 5 The annual Christmas Light Pa- rade sponsored by the Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Town of Quartzsite will be held on Decem- ber 5th 2020 starting at 7 p.m. The theme this year is "A Sea- son of Hope!" Start thinking now about your fl oat or entry for the parade and join in all the fun of this wonderful light parade that brings the Christ- mas spirit to all of us!!! There is no entry fee. All entries are welcome as long as they are in the theme of Christmas and are lit so the judges can see them well. For more information, or to receive an application for the parade, please call 928-927-5200. The Chamber is open Wed. Thurs & Friday 10am- 2pm, located at 1240 W. Main St.

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