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Got Drugs? Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal Mon - Fri. 8am-5pm Quartzsite Police Department 2 September 2, 2020 La Paz County seeking comments La Paz County is requesting input from the Quartzsite community re- garding the La Paz County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Your feedback is necessary as it will help with mitigation efforts to limit or avoid the damages of a disaster such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. A planning team of representa- tives from within the county, the Town of Quartzsite, Town of Park- er, Colorado River Indian Tribes as well as other vital organizations throughout the county are par- ticipating in a county-wide hazard mitigation planning update pro- cess. The purpose of this process is to update the current 2017 County Hazard Mitigation Plan, previously approved by FEMA on 9/12/2011. Local, county, tribal and state governments are required to have a FEMA approved hazard mitigation plan in order to be eligible for fed- eral hazard mitigation grant funds and in some cases, other types of di- saster funding. The mitigation plan focuses on the communities' most threatening hazards and establishes a strategy to reduce the impact from those hazards to protect people and property and to create safer, more resilient communities. WHAT IS MITIGATION? Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessen- ing the impact of disasters. Mitiga- tion is taking action now through analyzing risk, reducing risk, or insuring against risk-to reduce the human and financial consequences of the future disasters. WHAT IS A HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN? A hazard mitigation plan is a stake holderdriven document that a state, tribal, or local government uses to describe risks and vulnerabilities as well as long term strategies and implementation approaches for reducing loss of life and property from natural disasters. Mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. PURPOSE The La Paz County Multi-Juris- dictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is a comprehensive plan that demon- strates the communities' and tribe's commitment to reducing risks from hazards and serves as a tool to help decision makers direct mitigation activities and resources. The plan provides an opportu- nity to detail a variety of potential hazards that could affect some or all our resident and it will also al- low the County, Town of Quartzsite, Town of Parker and CRIT to be eli- gible for future mitigation funding from the Federal Emergency Man- agement Agency (FEMA). You may view the 2017 La Paz County Multi-Jurisdictional Haz- ard Mitigation Plan online at: www. Hazard-Mitigation-Plan For more information or should you have questions regarding the hazard mitigation planning process/plan, please contact: Be an informed voter! State of Arizona provides invaluable infor- mation for voters and candidates on line. Learn: how to register to vote, ways to vote, how govern- ment works, how to run for office, and more! The Citizens Clean Elections Commission is a non-partisan com- mission created by voters that edu- cates voters, and provides campaign funding and enforces campaign fi- nance rules and laws. Clean Elections was founded in 1998 after Arizona voters passed the Citizens Clean Citizen Elections Act (A.R.S. Title 16, Chapter 6, Article 2) to root out corruption and promote confidence in our political process. Check out all the information on- line at Arizona offers online voter regis- tration. You can register by mail to vote in Arizona by printing a voter registration form, filling it out, and mailing it to your local election of- fice. You can also register to vote in person if you prefer. You can look up your voter regis- tration record and verify that your information is correct using Arizo- na's voter registration lookup tool at General Election Timeline: August 2, 2020 First day to request a one-time bal- lot-by-mail for the General Elec- tion only October 5, 2020 Voter Registration Deadline October 7, 2020 First day for counties to mail bal- lots to voters (and first day of in- person early voting) October 23, 2020 Last day to request a ballot-by-mail or sign up for PEVL October 27, 2020 Recommended deadline to mail back your ballot November 3, 2020 Election Day - All ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. Election details Christian Singles Brunch planned Christian Singles will meet for Lunch and Fellowship Tuesday, Sept. 15th at 12 noon. Location will be at Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church. Please RSVP to Sharon Noller: 714-743-9141, email Sharon at The Town Council of Quartzsite, Ar- izona will hold a public meeting on a proposed change to the Quartzsite Tax Code pursuant to A.R.S. ยง 42- 6053. The Quartzsite Town Council will consider these changes to the Town of Quartzsite's Tax Code. The hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on September 8, 2020, this meet- ing will be conducted via the inter- net and will require a telephone or computer connection. There will be no physical meeting at Town Hall. The proposed changes will up- date Amendments for the Town of Quartzsite's Tax Code that include all the 2012-2014 Model City Tax Code changes necessary to bring the Town's version of the Tax Code cur- rent through those years adopted by the Municipal Tax Code Com- mission. Members of the Common Coun- cil will attend by phone or internet conferencing. To view the proposed changes, visit the Town's website at www.Quartz- Additional information can be ob- tained at: Town Hall, 465 N. Plym- outh Ave, Quartzsite, Arizona 85346 or by calling (928) 927-4333. Kiki Tunnell, Finance Manager | Public Notice