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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Food Bank 2 Rapid COVID-19 Testing 3 Monsoon awareness 4 Food Bank updates 4 HCB update 5 The Salvation Army Updates 5 BBB Business Grants 6 Editorial 6 No in-person classes at QES 10 Gardening with Dennis 11 Candidate answer questions 12 Yes, you can do something 13 COVID-19 updates 14 Classifeds 14 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020 VOL. 16 # 323 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Paul Winer's Cartoon SEE MILL PAGE 4 BLM seeks public input The Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Yuma Field Offi ce in- vites the public to provide input on a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) remediation project at the abandoned Moon Mountain Mill site, located on BLM- managed public land near Quartzsite in La Paz County, located in the northeast corner of the intersection of North Moon Mountain Avenue and Quail Trail Street. The mill processed ore from area mines for about four decades, from approximately 1860 until 1900. Operation of the mill began again in 1989 and ceased permanently four years later in 1992. BLM conducted a removal preliminary assessment and limited in- vestigation in July 2003. The BLM conducted emergency removal of approximately 1,500 cubic yards of lead and arsenic contaminated ore and tailings piles in 2003. Between 2004 and 2006, additional sampling was completed to de- termine the extent of remaining contamination at the Site. In 2008, the BLM removed an additional 716 tons of tailings to ad- dress metals in soil at the site. In July 2008, BLM performed soil stabilization and tailings removal to address metals. The extent of ex- cavation was approximately 180 feet by 200 feet. During the removal action, the concrete foundation and footings from the stamp mill were removed, as well as other sub-grade structures and piping. 2018: Site Evaluation BLM conducted a fi eld investigation and in- Berm/Tailings dam with OHV damage and erosion, wash is located on other side of berm Well house and water tank as they existed in 1993 spection of the Moon Mountain Mill site on January 25, 2018. Soil sampling indicated concentra- tions of arsenic, mercury, and lead exceeding Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's non- residential soil standards that re- mained in soil and dry wash sedi- ment at the site. No groundwater contamination has been detected. Signifi cant erosion had created rills and exposed reddish tailings on the sloped sides of the former excavation pit. The earthen berm separating the Site from a tribu- tary channel of Tyson Wash had been damaged by off-highway vehicle and all-terrain vehicle use in two places. BLM noted that the berm would likely become breached with continued use. On May 31, 2018, soil and tail- ings samples were evaluated at 14 surface locations and fi ve borings