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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Text 911 now available 3 Why I Love Quartzsite 4 COVID-19 County Updates 4 The Salvation Army Updates 5 AZDHS recommendatins 6 Editorial 7 AWC update 8 Census Update 9 Epiphany 12 Saga of inept ukulele student 12 To Thine own self... 13 6 New COVID-19 Symptoms 13 Tax Deadlines 14 Classifeds 14 Paul Winer's Cartoon 15 Desert Messenger Distribution Sites 16 Mother's Day Coloring Page • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2020 VOL. 16 # 320 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Arizona re-opens ... slowly Governor Ducey Issues Updated Guidance For Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Barbers And Cosmetologists Executive Orders Provide Additional Business Guidance, Enhanced Long-Term Care Facility Data Sharing PHOENIX—Following continued positive data trends, on Monday, May 4, 2020, Governor Doug Ducey announced the next steps Arizona will take to gradually re- energize the economy. The Gover- nor issued an Executive Order al- lowing cosmetologists and barber shops to resume appointment- based services this Friday, May 8 and restaurants and coffee shops to resume dine-in services with physical distancing measures on Monday, May 11. The Governor's Offi ce also released additional guidelines to keep customers and employees safe. In addition, the Governor issued an Executive Order requiring ex- panded reporting of COVID-19 related information to residents of long-term care facilities, as well as their next of kin and guardians and prospective residents. "Arizona continues to focus on pro- tecting public health, supporting those in need and ensuring we're taking the necessary steps to re- turn stronger," said Governor Du- cey. "Our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 are working — and Arizonans are still encouraged to limit time away from home. Arizo- na will continue to take a steady ap- proach and work with the Arizona Department of Health Services as we breathe life back into our busi- nesses and provide guidance on re- opening. More to come." Under the order, barbers and cosme- tologists can resume operations on Friday, May 8 as long as they estab- lish and implement safety protocols and best practices, including using face coverings for employees and customers, operating by appoint- ment only and following protocols as directed by the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States Department of Labor Division of Occupational Safety and the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). Additionally, restaurants and coffee shops can resume dine- in services on Monday, May 11. The operators must establish and implement safety protocols and best practices, including enact- ing physical distancing policies, limiting the number of diners and following protocols as directed by the CDC, the United States Department of Labor Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ADHS. The Governor last week an- nounced retail businesses can re- sume partial operations, includ- ing curbside delivery, today, May 4. Retail businesses that imple- ment social distancing and sanita- tion measures can resume partial in-person operations this Friday, May 8. The Governor's Offi ce con- tinues to work with restaurants and businesses throughout the state to determine best practices on protecting public health while gradually reopening businesses. The Governor announced today he will provide updated guidance for gyms and pools in the days ahead. Arizona's gradual reopening to return stronger: May 4, 2020: Retail business- es could resume partial opera- tions, including curbside delivery (GUIDANCE) Friday, May 8, 2020: Retail Busi- nesses can resume partial in-per- son operations (GUIDANCE) Friday, May 8, 2020: Cosmetolo- gists and barber shops can re- sume appointment-based services (GUIDANCE) Monday, May 11, 2020: Restau- rants and coffee shops can resume dine-in services, with safety mea- sures (GUIDANCE) The Governor's Executive Order expanding reporting of COVID- 19 related information requires long-term care facilities to report the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths to current residents, next of kin, guardians and pro- spective residents. The informa- tion provided is to be used for decision-making purposes for residents, potential residents and their families. For more details visit Happy Mother's Day!