Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2020 S orry for the delay in getting the spring Link newsletter out to everyone. The original update I wrote had to be pulled back for reasons in which everyone is obviously aware. As of writing this in mid-March, we have closed down the house for the rest of the semester. The original plan was to shut down for two weeks after spring break which was consistent with the University's plan for online only classes for that period. The University encouraged students to go home and take classes remotely. Then when the University extended that to the end of the semester, we chose to follow that lead. Technically speaking we could have chosen to keep the house open (dorms are still but residents encouraged to go home) but with the health and safety of our undergraduate members of utmost importance it was an easy decision to close without exception. On behalf of the House Corporation we wish good health to all undergraduate and alumni brothers during these unprecedented times. On a more positive note, I continue to be encouraged by the progress made here at Beta Mu—by undergraduates and alumni alike. Most notably, the new member class received an award for the highest new member GPA of all fraternities, sororities and co-ops. That's quite an accomplishment, and we are very proud. The new members are also active on campus in leadership positions, community service hours, and various philanthropy projects. I am excited to see the continuing engagement from our alumni community. Events such as Homecoming, Conclave, and Stag are continuing to grow in popularity and attendance and I ask brothers to reach out to their friends to encourage participation in the future. We were really disappointed to have to cancel Stag this year—but it will make our next Stag even more exciting. I also see many pledge classes staying connected over the years and organizing reunions which is great to see. We are thankful to all who have donated, and still ask everyone to continue to support. The house remains in great shape. Recently we purchased a number of new armoires for the undergraduates use. We also have a great relationship with the Mom's Club and appreciate their support as they helped maintain the property by purchasing items including study room chairs and tables, printers, and window treatments. We are proud to call 150 Littleton one of the finest fraternity houses anywhere. As always, we continue to look for volunteers to join our board. A couple of members have fulfilled their obligations and are looking to be replaced. If you would like to give back and serve the Chapter, please contact me. As we look forward to the fall semester, I also ask you to support the recruitment effort by providing recommendations of new students who would make great Betas. Please contact Carter Cates '22 at or fill out the referral form at undergraduate-chapter/recruitment. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, UNPRECEDENTED MEASURES Closed the House to Keep Our Brothers Safe